On Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 09:42:48PM -0800, Mark Wedel wrote:
> Robin Redeker wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 11:06:27PM -0800, Mark Wedel wrote:
> > 
> > I don't like the idea with _rare_ ingredients, as this makes the current
> > jeweler skill completly unused. How hard it is to make a ring should
> > IMHO only limited by the jeweler level.
>   I don't know if I really agree with that we are talking magical objects 
> here. 
>   If all the player wants to do is make ring of adornments, sure, normal 
> items 
> should be all that needed.
>   One thought is sort of a hybrid approach - for lower power rings, don't 
> need 
> very rare objects (just like scrolls up to 15%).  However, if you want to 
> make 
> rings of a certain power, then rare and hard to find items are required.

I've discussed now a different approach. First, i think you were right
with 95% max resistancy. Thats indeed reasonable.  But what about
resistancies like paralyze, slow, drain, depletion?  Couldn't there be
+100 allowed?

But another idea came in discussion with someone else:

As the problem with these creating-skills is, that items in crossfire
stay until the player enters quit and his appartment and his inventory
is deleted, or he drops the item on a map which gets resetted.

So with the jeweler skill in place the flood of god-like-rings has to be
prevented. (Also smithery has similar problem propably? What about
      weapon improvement?)

What if rings would wear off with time. Then one has to use the jeweler
skill to fix their rings. And then no rare items are needed to prevent
the game from overflowing of powerful rings.

This would also put the piles of money in the player appartments to
more use.

The advantage of rings vs. potions, which would be both temporary with
wearoff on rings, is that rings last longer... Propably rings would only
loose 1% resistancy at some fixed interval (an hour?).

It would maybe be okay that only self-made rings would wear off... Then
the artifact rings would still have some reason to exist.

>   But the real point is figure that in not too long a time, there will be 
> high 
> level jewelers, armorers, etc, about.  And if they can make suprerior items 
> than 
> what is out there, they will do so.

Out there are rings with +100.

>   Note that calc_item_power() isn't a great function - certain objects have 
> too 
> low or too high item power value from the formula it uses.  It was put in 
> place 
> to update items that didn't have anything.

I've written my own function now. That takes into account that
resistnacies like slow+50 are less useful than fire+50. It's much better
for calculating the level the jeweler needs to produce a ring, and it
works similar to calc_item_power in some places.


Robin Redeker

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