On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 12:09:23PM +0100, Wim Villerius wrote:
> 2*number of stat enchantment, so to make a weapon str+3, one needs 2+4+6
> = 12 potions of strength. Adding also a con requires 8 potions of
> constitution.
> These numbers of potions are easily found by any sufficient high lvl
> player, allowing him to create weapons much better than artifact
> weapons!
> The same will apply for rings, I fear.

Yes, indeed. But i don't think thats a bad thing? If one invested a lot
of time into such a weapon, then that would be okay IMHO.

> > Also, rings amulets and improved weapons are a good way to ge over the
> > race limitation on characteristic. If you make it too easy to create
> > improved rings, like ring (str+3)(for+3)(wis+3)(resist paralysis
> > +100)(resist fire +100)(resist cold +100) (resist electricity+100)
> Currently, this is also possible with weapons - except that resistances
> cannot be added to weapons. 
> Having a method that allows one to create items that have +100
> resistance against something would likely upset some others on this
> list, even if it would take 100 potions of resist something.

One could agree on +90 is enough. And i was thinking of not so many
potions to make a nice ring. Making it too hard to make nice things
would reduce the usability of the skill to the level it is now... (which
      is a very unusable state IMHO).

If it upsets people on this list, i would be happy to hear their
arguments about it!

> > Robin Redeker wrote:
> > >today i've had some ideas about the jeweler skill: What if a jeweler
> > >could _change_ existing rings. For example he could improve a ring
> > >(resist acid+12) in to a ring (resist acid+30) or even acid+50? (not
> > >sure about this, does it break balancing?).
> You guys should read the messageboard ;) There have been many idea's
> about enhancing alchemy. The general consensus (there) is that alchemy
> currently is pretty boring.

Yes! Imho the approach with static formular-lists doesn't scale very

> In the past (over a year ago) I've been writing a message containing a
> proposal - but this has never been sent. In fact, it is still in my
> draft box. I might even send it when requested (or even when not
> requested)

Please do it :)


Robin Redeker

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