In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Motyka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> - To supplement the current legal framework by the introduction of
>> obligations, together with penal sanctions, concerning the handing-over
>> to the legal authorities, when they require it, of the cleartext
>> version of encrypted documents.
>but this says: "if we want the key you have to give it to us or go to

Where ?

It says "handing-over ... of the cleartext version". In other words, a
power to request plaintext under warrant. Not the key.

If you accept the sense in a law to allow law enforcement to seize
documents with a search warrant, then you should not be able to evade
the spirit of that law by encrypting the document. This is the direction
we *should* be pushing at: plaintext under warrant without revealing the

[Hmm: how does LE verify the decryption ? Presumably you have to reveal
the session key ? Is that a big deal ?]

Clive D.W. Feather    | Director of            | Work: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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