Lucky Green writes:

 > [Before a reader replies with an argument based on a claim that strong
 > crypto is in the process of becoming ubiquitous, please take a look at your
 > phone. Does it perform 3DES encryption? Do the phones of the majority of

Phone? Why do I need a stupid phone if there's
It's cheaper, too.

 > people you call perform 3DES encryption? Alternatively, you could take a
 > look your email client. Does it support strong crypto? Great! Now what


 > percentage of emails you send *and receive* each day use strong crypto? If
 > your answer is 95% or higher, you might have a point, if it wasn't for the
 > fact that the Minister hasn't been shown the video tape just yet].
Should strong crypto be outlawed, my mail traffic will consist mostly
of Pretty Goofy Pictures, and snowy video feed from the webcam. Most
of them will be really just pretty goofy pictures, with a wee bit of
nondeterministic noise added.

Besides, you can control buddy-to-buddy software distribution exactly
as well as prevent people from swapping mp3 warez among friends. What
next, outlaw compilers? Outlaw hardware? Outlaw people? Don't think so.

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