>>>>> On Wed, 28 Jul 1999 17:52:04 -0700, John Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

    >> >use of the Internet to distribute encryption products 
    >> >will render Wassenaar's controls immaterial."

See below :-)  s/Internet/.GOV and .MIL computers/

    John> If Ms. Reno had a clue, she'd fire Louis Freeh, publish PGP and
    John> CryptoMozilla on the DoJ web site, prevent crimes instead of fighting
    John> crimes, and advocate civil rights instead of destroying civil rights.

Ever taken a look for pgp.2.6.x, Kerberos, SSH or other "controlled
software" available for anonymous FTP from .GOV and .MIL systems?  A
few minutes with your favorite search engine is quite enlightening :-)

If only there was some way to use this as evidence in any one of the
ongoing crypto court cases...

...without nailing the poor sysadmins at those sites that are doing
their best to provide a safe, secure computing environment for their
users in spite of current brain-dead US regulations.


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