In 1997 I proposed something along these lines.  Appended at the end is
the last rev I did of the Internet Draft...

 Donald E. Eastlake 3rd   +1 914-276-2668   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 65 Shindegan Hill Rd, RR#1  +1 914-784-7913(w)     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Carmel, NY 10512 USA

From:  Bill Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Message-Id:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon, 13 Sep 1999 18:00:49 -0700
To:  Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>On Sat, Aug 21, 1999 at 10:09:31PM -0400, Russell Nelson wrote:
>>> I've been thinking about cryptographic signing of messages at the mail 
>>> transfer agent level.  I can think of how to do it, but I'm not sure
>>> what problem it solves.  :)  Anyone have any ideas?
>At 12:01 PM 8/22/99 -0700, Eric Murray wrote:
>>I wrote a similar system for Sun 4 or 5 years ago.   However its purpose
>>was to encrypt the email for secrecy.  It used sendmail and PGP, would
>>automagically encrypt messages sent to hosts/domains registered in a
>>config file, and would use the same config file to attempt to decrypt
>>incoming PGP'd messages.
>PGP/NAI developed an SMTP forwarder system that does rule-based processing
>with capabilities like 
>       - Encrypt outgoing mail when possible
>       - Block unencrypted outgoing mail to some/all sites
>       - Block encrypted   outgoing mail to some/all sites
>       - copy+encrypt in/outgoing mail to Corporate Email Escrow
>       - Block outgoing mail not also encrypted to Corporate Escrow
>       - Sign&date incoming or outgoing mail
>This was during their Corporate Escrow period, so we all taunted them about
>rather than doing much thought about what things might be useful.
>Cryptographic signing of the messages can be useful in some
>business environments, though I'd prefer encryption+signing for many of them.
>If you always sign outgoing mail, and somebody asserts that
>an unsigned message is from your company, you've got some ability to
>argue that it's forged.  More importantly, if someone knows you
>always sign your mail, and they receive unsigned mail claiming to be from you,
>you and they can be suspicious.
>One of the fun things about just doing signatures is that you can
>distribute the software for free if you want, without US export laws.
>A big problem with this, though, is making very sure that the software
>doesn't sign things it's not supposed to sign.  This is hard, because
>it depends on the user's configuration of their mailserver and firewalls, 
>which is mostly out of your control - having software with your name on it
>that gets abused this way would be Really Bad.
>                               Thanks! 
>                                       Bill
>Bill Stewart, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

INTERNET-DRAFT                                    Donald E. Eastlake 3rd
Expires: November 1997                                          May 1996

               Mail Ubiquitous Security Extensions (MUSE)
               ---- ---------- -------- ---------- ------

Status of This Document

   This draft is file name draft-eastlake-muse-02.txt.  Distribution of
   this document is unlimited. Comments should be sent to the ietf-
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list or to the author.

   This document is an Internet-Draft.  Internet-Drafts are working
   documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
   and its working groups.  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months.  Internet-Drafts may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by
   other documents at any time.  It is not appropriate to use Internet-
   Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as a
   ``working draft'' or ``work in progress.''

   To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
   1id-abstracts.txt listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Shadow
   Directories on (East USA), (West USA), (North Europe), (South Europe), (Pacific Rim), or (Africa).

Donald E. Eastlake 3rd                                          [Page 1]
Next page...

INTERNET-DRAFT                    MUSE                          May 1997


   Secure electronic mail can provide authentication of the source of
   mail and confidentiality for its contents.  These features are
   becoming increasingly important as the Internet grows exponentially
   and email is increasingly used for critical, sensitive, and
   confidential communications.  In addition, authentication can make
   mail filtering more effective and ubiquitous encryption indirectly
   makes all mail more secure be defeating traffic analysis based on
   distinctions between encrypted and non-encrypted mail and defeating
   bulk searching through insecure mail.

   However, use of secure mail is not widespread due to the problems of
   key distribution and lack of migration to secure mail enabled user
   agents.  This draft proposes partial solutions to these two problems
   by using coarser grained identity to permit some authentication and
   confidentiality without user agent change, and secure DNS for key
   distribution.  These changes also support limited host and domain
   level mail security policies.


   The contributions of the following person to this draft are
   gratefully acknowledged:

      Ned Freed

   (Spam is the trademark name of a meat product by Hormel.)

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INTERNET-DRAFT                    MUSE                          May 1997

Table of Contents

      Status of This Document....................................1


      Table of Contents..........................................3

      1. Introduction............................................4
      1.1 Benefits of Secure Mail................................4
      1.2 Secure Mail Systems....................................4
      1.3 So Why Isn't Secure Mail Used?.........................4
      1.4 Overview Of The MUSE Solution..........................5
      1.5 So Why Might MUSE Succeed?.............................5
      1.6 But What About the End to End Argument?................6

      2. Bypassing the Requirement for User Agent Migration......7
      2.1 Host Level Mail Security...............................8
      2.1.1 MUSE Policies........................................8
      2.1.2 Detailed MUSE Processing............................10 Outgoing Mail Processing..........................11 Incoming Mail Processing..........................13 Local Mail........................................14 Transit Mail......................................15
      2.2 Domain Gateway Level Mail Security....................15
      2.3 Summary of MUSE Headers...............................16

      3. Using DNS Security for Key Distribution................18

      4. Processing Load Considerations.........................19

      5. Security Considerations................................20


      Author's Address..........................................22
      Expiration and File Name..................................22
      Appendix A: MUSE Policy Syntax............................22

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1. Introduction

1.1 Benefits of Secure Mail

   Secure electronic mail can provide authentication of the source of
   mail and confidentiality for its contents.  These features are
   becoming more important as the Internet expands.  Increasingly
   critical, sensitive, and confidential mail is being passed over the
   network. Protection of the mail contents and verification of its
   origin are becoming ever more important.

   In addition, increasing amounts of email "spam" (unsolicited bulk
   messages, frequently with fraudulent headers) and forged mail are
   plaguing the network.  Critical and sensitive email could be better
   protected and spam could be more reliably filtered if the use of
   secure mail were ubiquitous.

   Finally, a requirement by recipients that a substantial portion of
   all or at least of unanticipated mail to them be encrypted would
   improve security and decrease spam as follows: For the attacker,
   encrypting most or all mail makes traffic analysis based on which
   messages are encrypted and which unencryted much harder and perhaps
   insurmountably increases the work factor in attempting to scan all
   messages for "interesting" content.  And encrypting a message with
   current mail security formats and algorithms entails substantial per
   recipient computation which would make massive "spam" impractical
   with current technology.

1.2 Secure Mail Systems

   Two generations of Internet standard secure mail have been developed.
   The Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) is defined in RFCs 1421, 1422, 1423,
   and 1424.  Recently, the MIME [RFC 2045] security multiparts have
   been defined in RFC 1847 and secure mail derived by the
   generalization of PEM and use of MIME multiparts (MOSS) has been
   specified in RFC 1848.  In the mean time, the most widely adopted
   secure mail on the Internet has been become PGP (Pretty Good Privacy,
   by Phil Zimmerman) [RFC 1991, 2015] and numerous other secure mail
   systems have been proposed.

1.3 So Why Isn't Secure Mail Used?

   Why has secure mail been so slow to be adopted?

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   There are probably many reasons but one of the strongest is the
   problem of user agent migration.  All of the systems mentioned above
   were initially designed with the idea that the end users who sent and
   received secure mail would use specially adapted mail programs and,
   in fact, they usually assumed the same special adaptations at each
   end. But many users are attached by circumstance or habit to a mail
   user agent that is not capable of producing or properly validating
   and/or decrypting secure mail. Even if their mail user agent is
   security capable, many users are not sufficiently motivated to make
   use of its security features.

   A second problem is that of key distribution.  Most of these systems
   assume public key technology which requires each party to securely
   determine the public key of the other.  (In some cases, secret key
   technology can be used.  This requires each party to securely learn
   the secret key to be used and is thus no better from the point of
   view of key distribution.) Methods to obtain keys on line, such as
   the PGP key servers and inclusion of certificates from a hierarchy or
   web, have been limited and do not provide much assurance that the
   keying material obtained can be authenticated by the user's mail

1.4 Overview Of The MUSE Solution

   MUSE partially solves the user agent migration problem by making
   significant optional security at the host and mail gateway levels, as
   well as at the user level, as described in section 2 below.  MUSE
   partially solves the key distribution problem by supplementing
   existing techniques with secure key distribution via secure DNS as
   described in section 3 below.

   (Note: Throughout this document, hosts are assumed to be identified
   by domain name and users are assumed to be identified by email
   address of the form user-name followed by an "@" followed by a domain
   name.  These are the normal identifiers that are actually in use in
   the Internet.)

1.5 So Why Might MUSE Succeed?

   Implementation of MUSE does not depend on end user action.  It can be
   deployed by host, mail gateway, and DNS server administrators.  These
   are the people who have to deal with security breakdowns, complaints
   about spam, etc., and are thus motivated to improve security.

   In addition, MUSE gives organizations a limited ability to enforce
   policies that require or prohibit the transmission or reception by

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INTERNET-DRAFT                    MUSE                          May 1997

   that organization of encrypted and/or authenticated mail.  Many
   organizations will choose not to impose such policies but any that
   wish to will be motivated to install MUSE.

1.6 But What About the End to End Argument?

   It is an architectural principle of the Internet that "end-to-end
   functions can best be realised by end-to-end protocols".  See RFC
   1958, Section 2.3. For example, the maximum assurance of confidential
   and authenticated email between two users requires
   encryption/decryption and digital signature/verification mechanisms
   as close as possible to each user, preferably on a laptop or other
   piece of hardware under their physical control.

   Why then does MUSE advocate mechanisms which can be viewed as being
   in the interior of the net and thus not end-to-end?  There are two
   reasons as follows:

   One, MUSE can provide security in depth.  Dependence on end users, or
   even host administrators in this age of ubiquitous personal
   computers, to properly configure, maintain, an utilize security is
   problematic and email security might depend on correct and error free
   action at both ends.  MUSE can provide significant security over much
   of the path email follows even if only one or neither of the end
   parties is willing to make any effort in this matter or makes an
   incorrect effort.  Even where both ends properly configure and use
   security, any additional confidentially and authentication provided
   by MUSE would not negate but further enhance the security of the
   email in question.

   Two, MUSE supports host and domain gateway level email security
   policies.  Such policies are not end-user to end-user.  For such
   policies, the "end" is the host or domain.  For inherently host or
   domain level policies, such as requirement that all email exiting the domain be signed by "" or a requirement
   that all mail accepted by be encrypted, the MUSE
   host and domain level mechanisms are "end-to-end".

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2. Bypassing the Requirement for User Agent Migration

   Current implementations of email security use special mail user
   agents (MUAs), although in some cases this can be accomplished with a
   security "plug-in" or, with enough user effort, by a separate
   application.  This can be good because you want the security
   operations of signing and/or encrypting at the origin of the message
   and authenticating and/or decrypting at the destination to be as
   close to the user as possible.  This minimizes the extent of the
   transmission path during which the mail is unprotected. In fact, you
   would really want the MUA in some single-user hardware (perhaps a
   laptop computer) which the user keeps under their physical control
   for maximum security.

   However, there are a tremendous number of mail user agents (MUAs) and
   many of them do not support secure mail. In some cases, users are
   very attached to their MUA or do not have another easily available
   and do not want to or will not change.  Even when a user has an MUA
   that supports security, many users just find it to be too much
   trouble to use. In such cases, they can still be provided significant
   security, through MUSE, by using coarser grained identity for
   authentication and encryption as explained below. Note that some
   users run their MUA to send and receive mail on multi-user computer
   systems which places them at the mercy of the computer operating
   system and ultimately gives them little more host level security in
   any case.  Furthermore, there are some cases where an organization or
   host wishes to enforce, so far as possible, an email security policy
   such as requiring outgoing mail to be signed.  MUSE can, within
   limits, assist such policies.

   The structure of the Internet for user to user mail between
   organizations, say X and Y, is now typically as shown below:

                +-------->The Internet<-------+
                |                             |
                v                             v
        Firewall/Gateway X            Firewall/Gateway Y
          |           |                 |           |
          |           |                 |           |
        user 1     System.A           user 4     System.B
        laptop       |     \          laptop       |     \
                     |      \                      |      \
                  user 2    user 3               user 5   user 6
                  laptop                         laptop

                      MAIL STRUCTURE DIAGRAM
   [need to add some references back to this diagram in the text

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   Of course there are many variation on the above including multiple
   levels of firewall and directly connected systems with no firewall.

2.1 Host Level Mail Security

   Simple mail security can be provided at the host level of
   granularity.  How to do this is generally described below in this
   introduction to section 2.1.  Subsequent sections describe how to
   specify MUSE policy and give the details of the processing.

   Basically, hosts can provide mail security as follows:

   Authentication: Outgoing mail can be signed by the host by signing
      the mail as a message/rfc822 object with the key for the host.  A
      key for "system.organization.tld" for example if mail is being
      send by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Confidentiality: For encryption, if an authenticated mail
      confidentiality key is accessible for the remote user or host, the
      message can be encrypted directly to them by the host level mail
      transport software.

   On receipt: Mail would be checked to see if it is encrypted to that
      host.  If so, it would be decrypted before being delivered.  In
      addition, if it is signed by the source host or user, that
      signature could be validated. The mail could be bounced or flagged
      if the validation fails or flagged if validation succeeds.  All
      such verification processing is security policy dependent.

2.1.1 MUSE Policies

   The above description is highly simplified.  It does not describe any
   means for the user or host administrator to control the host level
   mail security processing or for the user of an mail user agent to be
   made aware that mail received has been authenticated.

   Different hosts will have different policies.  In addition, different
   users will have different policies (although sometimes such policies
   will be subordinated to their host's policy).  There are four
   possible sources for MUSE policy:  (1) the global MUSE default policy
   defined in this document, (2) the host's MUSE policy, (3) the
   sender's static MUSE policy, and (4) the sender's per message policy
   as indicated by the "muse-policy: " header in an outgoing message.
   Policies 2 and 3 would normally be defined by a per host and per user
   file.  This file contains simple text each line of which is
   interpreted as if it appeared in a "muse-policy:" header. The

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   location and name of this file is system dependent.  [Probably
   ".muse-policy" on UNIX like systems.]

   Each policy component consists, as described in Appendix A, of a
   policy category followed by a verb and possibly additional modifiers.
   The categories are: "encrypt", "sign", "verify", and "strip".  The
   "sign" and "encrypt" categories control host level authentication and
   host executed encryption of outgoing messages.  The "verify" and
   "strip" categories control the handling of incoming signed messages.

   Incoming messages encrypted to a host must always be decrypted
   because only the host will have access to its private key.
   Delivering such an encrypted-to-host message to a user without
   decrypting it would be useless.

   The verbs available in each category are: "always", "once", and
   "never".  Possible modifiers are "mandatory", "requested", "host",
   and "user".  In the absence of modifiers, policies are treated as if
   the defaults "requested" and "user" appeared in each case.

   If a category appears more than once in a single policy file or in
   the headers of a single messages, the policy specification last
   appearing for that category prevails. Multiple policies can appear in
   a "muse-policy:" header or line in a policy file if separated by
   commas.  Policy files lines may include parenthesized comments and be
   wrapped as in RFC 822 headers.

   [do we need to add "filters" such that policy could be different for
   different senders/destinations?  could be per policy line and of the
   form <s:pattern> to restrict be sender and <d:pattern> to restrict by
   destination.  this would requiring adding an optional number or the
   like to muse-policy header lines to specify ordering or policy
   application or making the effect dependent on the order of entries.]

   [do we need to add hooks in the policy syntax to invoke external
   programs at various steps during the MUSE processing so you could,
   for example, easily specify to run a virus checker on incoming
   mail... ?]

   The following definitions are used in explaining the effect of MUSE
   policies verbs and modifiers:

   Signed:  For the purposes of this draft, mail is signed if the outer
      MIME type is a proper multipart/signed.  This means that the body
      interior to the first part of the multipart/signed has been
      signed.  (MUSE implementations MAY also recognize as signed PEM,
      classic PGP, or other non-MIME formatted types of signed but not
      encrypted messages messages.)

   Encrypted:  For the purposes of this draft, mail is encrypted if the

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      outer MIME type, ignoring any number of completely enwrapping
      multipart/signed structures, is a proper multipart/encrypted.
      This means that the part of the message interior to the second
      part of the multipart/encrypted has been encrypted. (MUSE
      implementations MAY recognize PEM, classic PGP, or other non-MIME
      formatted types of encrypted messages and enwrapping signed

   The host level policy is the MUSE global default except as overridden
   by a host policy file.  If the host policy has the modifier "host"
   for any category, the host policy prevails and any user specified
   policy for that category is ignored.  If the host policy file
   includes the modifier "user" for any category or has neither the
   "user" or "host" modifiers, then the host policy is overridden by the
   user's policy if there is one.

   The user's policy is as specified in the user's policy file except
   that for outgoing messages sent by the user, a "muse-policy:" header
   or headers in the message override the user's policy file.  "user" or
   "host" modifiers are ignored in user MUSE policy.

   The global policy defaults for MUSE are as follows:

        encrypt never requested user
        sign once requested user
        verify always requested user
        strip never requested user

   These MUSE standard defaults are biased against encryption and in
   favor of authentication.  Authentication only implementations of
   MUSE, without confidentiality, are permitted.

2.1.2 Detailed MUSE Processing

   The following definitions are useful in describing MUSE mail
   processing in detail:

   Origination MUSE Header Processing:  Find and parse any "muse-
      policy:" headers at the top level of the message and remove them.
      Determine and remember the MUSE policy based on any host, user,
      and message header MUSE policy declarations. Suppress any "muse-
      authenticated:", "muse-confidentiality:", "muse-not-authentic:",
      and "muse-sender:" headers by prefixing them with
         "muse-bogus: by /host/ at /dt/ "
      where /host/ is the fully qualified domain name of the host doing
      the processing and /dt/ is the date and time of processing in RFC
      822 format.

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   Destination MUSE Header Processing:  Suppress any "muse-
      confidentiality:", "muse-authenticated:", "muse-not-authentic:",
      "muse-policy:", and "muse-sender:" headers by prefixing them with
         "muse-bogus: by /host/ at /dt/ "
      as above.

   Signature Processing:  Add a
         "muse-sender: /rfc822-address/ at /dt/"
      header and then sign the resulting message/rfc822 MIME object.
      (SMTP/RFC822 permits an arbitrary "from:" address to be specified
      in a message.  MUSE does not interfere with that feature but
      authenticates what will be the SMTP envelope sender address by
      including it within the signed portion of the message.  As a local
      mater, the local user name that is sending the message must be
      securely communicated to the MUSE equipped MTA.  This name is then
      extended with the hosts fully qualified domain name.)  Copy all
      headers from the signed object to the new outer message header
      except "muse-" and "content-" headers.  There should be no "muse-"
      headers in the outer message and its "content-" header should be
      appropriate for the multipart/signed type it carries.

   Encryption Processing:  Encrypt mail as a message/rfc822 MIME object
      under the destination key.  Add a cc to musemaster@host, where
      "host" is the host where encryption is being done, and encrypt to
      that as another recipient.  (This is necessary so that the copy of
      the message in any bounces that are received can be decrypted.)
      Only required mail routing headers are copied to the new outer
      message and supplemented by a new "date:" header and by "content-"
      headers appropriate for the multipart/encrypted type.

   Destination Key:  This key is determined by looking for a key for the
      destination user (see section 3).  If none is available, then
      looking for a key for the destination user's email address domain
      name part.  The first applicable key found above is the
      destination key.  If none is found, there is no destination key.
      If the implementation of MUSE does not include confidentiality,
      proceed as if there were no destination key.  If key access
      attempts time out or otherwise fail in a transient fashion, the
      mail SHOULD be queued in a manner similar to transient delivery
      failure queuing. Outgoing Mail Processing

   The following steps describe the MUSE processing of outgoing mail.
   This processing may be organized or performed in any order provided
   the result is the same as the following organization and order:

   (1) Do Origination MUSE header processing.

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   (2) Confidentiality (Encryption) Processing:

   (2a) If the policy is "encrypt never requested" go to step 3.

   (2b) Determine the Destination Key as described above.

   (2c) Perform actions as per policy below:

   encrypt always requested:  Perform encryption processing under the
      destination key (this may result in superencryption) or pass on
      mail unencrypted if there is no destination key.

   encrypt always mandatory:  Perform encryption processing under the
      destination key (this may result in superencryption) or bounce it
      back to the originator if there is no destination key.

   encrypt once requested:  If the mail is encrypted, do nothing.  If
      the mail is not encrypted, perform encryption processing under the
      destination key or pass on mail unencrypted if there is no
      destination key.

   encrypt once mandatory:  If the mail is encrypted, do nothing.  If
      the mail is not encrypted perform encryption processing under the
      destination key or bounce it back to the originator if there is no
      destination key.

   encrypt never mandatory:  Pass the mail on if it is unencrypted or
      bounce it back to the originator if it is encrypted.

   (3)  Authentication Processing.  Perform actions as per policy below:

   sign always:  Perform signature processing with the local host key.
      (The "mandatory"/"requested" modifier is ignored.  This may result
      in nested signatures.)

   sign once:  Perform signature processing with the local host key
      unless the message is already signed.  (The
      "mandatory"/"requested" modifier is ignored.)

   sign never requested:  Pass on the mail without signature processing.

   sign never mandatory:  Strip off and discard any completely
      enwrapping signatures, saving any "received:" lines and adding
      them back after removing the surrounding multipart/signed, and
      then pass on the resulting message.

   (4) Perform remainder of standard non-MUSE mail processing, including
   addition of a "received:" header.

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INTERNET-DRAFT                    MUSE                          May 1997 Incoming Mail Processing

   (1) Do Destination MUSE Header Processing.

   (2) Determine if message is encrypted to host.  If not, go to step 3.
   In making this determination, after checking to see if the entire
   message is encrypted, if it is not recursively examine all visible
   MIME parts to see if any is encrypted.  (This is necessary, for
   example, to find and decrypt any bounced messages copies that were
   encrypted by this host.)  If an interior encrypted MIME part is
   found, decrypt it as below.

   If the message is encrypted to the host, see if there are any
   signatures enwrapping the encrypted message (or enwrapping at any
   higher level the interior encrypted MIME part).  If there are and
   verify policy is anything other than "never", verify as many as
   possible, remember their signers, and strip them off.  If there are
   signatures and verify policy is "never", just strip these signatures.
   (Note: the signatures will no longer verify after the encrypted mail
   they enclose has been decrypted so they will be useless.)  When
   stripping signatures or the headers associated with a
   multipart/encrypted, also remember any "received:" lines in the
   stripped headers.

   Then decrypt the message or interior MIME part(s), remember that you
   have done so, and go to step 1 or step 2 depending on whether the
   resulting decrypted part is at the top level or an interior body,
   respectively.  (A message may have been encrypted and then
   superencrypted to a host.)

   (3) Verification Processing.  Perform actions as per policy below:

   verify never:  Do nothing.  (The "mandatory"/"requested" modifier is

   verify once requested:  Try to verify the outermost fully enclosing
      signature if there is one and remember the results.  If the
      message is not signed, got to step 5.

   verify once mandatory:  Try to verify the outermost enclosing
      signature and remember the results if there is one.  If
      verification is not possible, bounce back to originator or discard
      as per local policy.

   verify always requested:  Try to verify all fully enclosing
      signatures and remember the results for each.  If the message is
      not signed, go to step 5.

   verify always mandatory:  Try to verify all fully enclosing
      signatures and remember the results for each.  If verification is

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      not possible, bounce back to originator or discard as per local

   (4) Strip Processing.  Perform actions as per policy below.  (The
   "mandatory"/"requested" modifier is ignored in all cases.)

   strip never:  Do nothing.

   strip once:  Strip the outermost enwrapping signature and perform
      destination MUSE header processing on the result, if there is such
      a signature.  Remember any "received:" headers that are removed.

   strip always:  Strip all enwrapping signatures and perform
      destination MUSE header processing on the result, if there were
      any such signatures.  Remember any "received:" headers that are

   (5) Header Injection.

   Add a
      muse-authenticated: from /sender/ by /checker/ at /dt/
      muse-not-authentic: claimed from /sender/ by /checker/ at /dt/
   header for each enwrapping signature found in steps 2 and 3 that was
   verified or which could not be verified, respectively.  [Should
   header distinguish between a verification that could not complete and
   one that found the signature to definitely be bad?] /checker/ is the
   domain name of the host that performed the authentication.  /sender/
   is the email address from the "muse-sender:" header protected by the
   authenticated signature.  /dt/ is the RFC 822 format date and time
   that the verification was performed.

   Add a
      muse-confidential: to /decryptor/ at /dt/
   header for encryption removed in step 2.  /decryptor/ is the domain
   name of the host to which the message had been encrypted and which
   performed the decryption.  /dt/ is the RFC822 format date and time at
   which the decryption was performed.

   Restore any "received:" header removed in steps 2 and 4.

   (6)  Perform remainder of standard non-MUSE mail processing including
   addition of a "received:" header. Local Mail

   Mail that that is sent locally on a MUSE equipped host should be
   processed as if it went through the outgoing mail processing and then

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   the incoming mail processing.  However, enormous efficiencies in
   processor time can be achieved by making a few special test as

   (1) If the MUSE policy and Destination Key situation would call for
   encrypting the mail to the current host, then don't bother.  It will
   take a lot of computation and you'll just have to decrypt it again.
   In this case, the "muse-confidential:" header that would have
   resulted from the encryption and then decryption SHOULD be added.
   (If the policy and Destination Key are such that the mail would be
   encrypted to the destination user, then this encryption SHOULD be
   performed.  Mail in the user's "in box" will be less vulnerable if

   (2) If the MUSE policy is such that the message would be
   authenticated and then that signature verified and stripped off, then
   don't bother.  It will take a lot of computation for no good purpose.
   If the policy is such that a signature would be added and not
   stripped, then it MUST be added, even if the mail is local.  In
   either case, a "muse-authenticated:" header that would have resulted
   from the signing and verification MUST be added if verification
   policy calls for it. Transit Mail

   Transit mail is mail that neither originates nor terminates at the
   host in question unless that host is acting as a mail gateway as
   described in section 2.2.  Ordinary non-MUSE mail processing is
   performed on transit mail, including addition of a "received:"
   header.  No special MUSE processing is done.

2.2 Domain Gateway Level Mail Security

   A number of steps must be taken to properly handle MUSE mail at a
   gateway.  (A mail gateway is also a host and performs the processing
   specified in 2.1 above for locally originated and locally terminating

   For gateway mail policy, a gateway mail host has two additional
   policy files [.muse-gateway-out, .muse-gateway-in ?].  The gateway
   can not access the remote user policy file but does take into account
   any "muse-policy:" header it finds at the top level of an outgoing
   message (and removes them to the extent it can do so without breaking
   retained signatures).

   For outgoing gateway mail, the situation is somewhat simpler.  Hosts

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   that send mail out through the gateway are normally manually
   configured to do so.  A local gateway policy, not specified by MUSE,
   must be adopted as to what evidence MUSE will accept at the gateway
   to trust that it knows the host that the mail is originating from.
   This could be IP address but the recommended technique is to have all
   hosts forwarding to the gateway have a "sign always" policy and use
   these signatures to verify that the outgoing mail is coming from
   within the domain.  Gateways MUST NOT sign mail whose sender they can
   not authenticate according to their local policy.  The verify and
   strip parts of the outgoing gateway policy are first applied, then
   the sign and encrypt parts.

   For incoming gateway mail, the situation is somewhat more complex.
   If the incoming gateway is implemented invisibly, by rewriting the
   addresses of outgoing messages to encourage replies to go directly to
   the gateway, etc., the it is a matter of local knowledge at the
   incoming gateway that it is a gateway and when it should apply host
   MUSE policy or incoming gateway MUSE policy.  In this case, to
   senders, it appears to be the destination host.  However, in the case
   where an incoming gateway is implemented by MX records, MUSE
   processing can not be done to it.

   The verify and strip parts of the incoming gateway policy are first
   applied then the sign and encrypt parts.  Hosts receiving incoming
   mail that they trust is from a gateway modify their destination MUSE
   header processing to retain any "must-authenticated:", "muse-
   confidential:", and "must-not-authentic:" headers from the gateway
   that they would otherwise declare bogus.  It is recommended that such
   hosts use the gateway signature to confirm that mail is from the
   gateway and that gateway incoming policy include "sign always".

2.3 Summary of MUSE Headers

   All header lines beginning with "muse-" are reserved for use by MUSE
   or future extensions thereof.  The six such headers defined in this
   draft are briefly explained below in alphabetic order:

   muse-authenticated: from /sender/ by /checker/ at /dt/
      Indicates that an incoming message has been confirmed as from the
      RFC 822 address /sender/ with the verification done by host
      /checked/.  /dt/ is the RFC 822 formatted date and time of this

   muse-bogus: by /host/ at /dt/ /bogus-muse-header/
      This header is used to prefix other apparent muse headers (the
      /bogus-muse-header/) when received from an untrusted or
      inappropriate source.  This stops the /bogus-muse-header/ from
      being recognized or trusted.  /host/ is the fully qualified domain

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      name of the host adding the muse-bogus prefix and /dt/ is the RFC
      822 formatted date and time of prefixing.

   muse-confidential: to /decryptor/ at /dt/
      This header indicates that an incoming message was successfully
      decrypted at the host whose fully qualified domain name is
      /decryptor/.  /dt/ is the RFC 822 formatted time the decryption

   muse-not-authentic: claimed from /sender/, bad by /checker/ at /dt/
      This header indicates that an incoming signature and signed
      "muse-sender:" could not be verified.  /sender/ was the claimed
      sender in the unverified "muse-sender:" header.  /checker/ is the
      domain name of the host that performed the failing verification
      and /dt/ is the RFC 822 formatted date and time of the check.

   muse-policy: /<policies>/
      This header is used by a user to state its requested MUSE policy
      to their local host (and outgoing gateway if the local host is
      configured not to strip out "muse-policy:" headers).   /policies/
      are the policy statements as per Appendix A.

   muse-sender: /rfc822-address/ at /dt/
      This header is added to mail by a MUSE host or gateway before
      signing the message.  It causes the authentic local or trusted
      SMTP envelope sender address to be incorporated into the
      authenticated message/rfc822 body part.  /dt/ is the RFC 822
      formatted date and time that the muse-sender header is added.

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3. Using DNS Security for Key Distribution

   Section 2 above does not address the second problem holding back
   ubiquitous secure mail, the problem of key distribution.  The private
   keys for signing/decrypting at a host or gateway are normally
   configured on line at that host or gateway and thus available. But
   how do you find the public key, or determine the lack of such a key,
   for a remote user, host, or gateway for encrypting/verifying?

   The answer is DNS Security as described in RFC 2065. (See also RFC
   1034 and 1035 for DNS background.) You can find a key for a user or
   host by looking for authenticated KEY RRs whose owner name is that
   host's domain name or user's email address mapped into a domain name.
   If the retrieval fails hard, then there is no KEY in the DNS for that
   user.  If the retrieval times out, you do not know. If one or more
   KEY RRs are returned, MUSE software must examine them to see that at
   least one has the appropriate flag bits to indicate that it is a user
   KEY authorized for use in mail.

   If an appropriate KEY is found for a destination user or host, it can
   be used to encrypt mail being sent to that destination.  If a signed
   message has been received and an appropriate key is found for the
   signer, then the signature can be authenticated.

   Authentication of retrieved KEY RRs is provided automatically by
   security aware DNS resolvers which must be used on MUSE equipped
   hosts that perform encryption or signature verification.  A MUSE
   implementation that only signs and/or decrypts messages does not need
   to access remote keys.

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4. Processing Load Considerations

   The cryptographic calculations involved in signing, verifying,
   encrypting, and/or decrypting messages can impose substantial
   processing loads.  Installing MUSE software on an existing host with
   high mail traffic or a busy mail gateway may produce congestion and
   make it impossible to keep up with the mail flow. The largest part of
   this load will normally be public key computations which are per
   message.  This additional processing time will be affected by message
   length only as a second order effect.

   There are only 86,400 seconds in a day.  Assuming a gateway or host
   took an average of 2 seconds per message to
   sign/encrypt/verify/decrypt, the maximum it could possibly hand would
   be 43,200 per day.  In fact, due to variations from hour to hour and
   from day to day, substantial congestion at certain times could begin
   at around an average of 6,000 messages a day for such a gateway
   (assuming the monthly volume to be around 100 time the busy hour).

   Because this is primarily a computational load due to multi-precision
   arithmetic, processors that are faster and/or have wider arithmetic
   are the best solution. For example, a 150 megahertz 32 bit processor
   would, for this application, have roughly a quarter the capacity of a
   300 megahertz 64 bit processor.

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5. Security Considerations

   The use of coarser grained identification and partial path encryption
   for email security provides a lower level of security to the end user
   than direct user to user authentication and encryption.  In the case
   of host level mail security, the difference may not be large if the
   user was dependent on host security in any case.  But domain gateway
   level mail security, while better than nothing, is noticeable less
   security than user level security.  In addition, there might be
   circumstances under which such gateway or host level security would
   decrease the incentive for superior user level security.

   MUSE provides policy options which can attempt to filter out
   encryption, block encrypted mail, strip off authentication, require
   signing, etc.  These policies only work to the extent that such
   encryption or authentication is based on the MIME security multiparts
   or other syntax recognized by the MUSE implementation.  Encryption or
   authentication could by marked as a MIME application type or other
   non-RFC1827 formatting and encrypted messages can be hidden by
   stegeographic techniques.  Such techniques would not be recognized by
   MUSE.  In addition, MUSE could easily be fooled by weak algorithm or
   key selection, including deliberate use of a compromised key.

   The use of headers without any inherent security, such as "muse-
   authenticated:", to control or flag the results of mail security is a
   potential weakness.  Great care must be taken in configuration, user
   interface implementation, and user education to avoid insecure
   configurations and excessive user confidence in spoofable MUSE

   While security can be improved by the use of the techniques described
   in this draft, failure to secure other parts of the mail process can
   negate such improvements.  For example, using MUSE to add host level
   authentication and verification may do little good if the user
   receives and transmits mail via an insecure link between a personal
   computer client and the MUSE enhanced software on their mail server

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   RFC 822 - D. Crocker, "Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text
        messages", 08/13/1982.

   RFC 1034 - P. Mockapetris, "Domain names - concepts and facilities",

   RFC 1035 - P. Mockapetris, "Domain names - implementation and
        specification", 11/01/1987.

   RFC 1421 - J. Linn, "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
        Mail:  Part I: Message Encryption and Authentication
        Procedures", 02/10/1993.

   RFC 1422 - S. Kent, "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
        Mail: Part II: Certificate-Based Key Management", 02/10/1993.

   RFC 1423 - D. Balenson, "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
        Mail: Part III: Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers", 02/10/1993.

   RFC 1424 - B. Kaliski, "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
        Mail: Part IV: Key Certification and Related Services",

   RFC 1847 - J. Galvin, S. Murphy, S. Crocker, N. Freed, "Security
        Multiparts for MIME:  Multipart/Signed and Multipart/Encrypted",

   RFC 1958 - B. Carpenter, "Architectural Principles of the Internet",

   RFC 1991 - D. Atkins, W. Stallings, P. Zimmermann, "PGP Message
        Exchange Formats", 08/16/1996.

   RFC 2015 - M. Elkins, "MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)",

   RFC 2045 - N. Freed, N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail
        Extensions (MIME) Part One:  Format of Internet Message Bodies",

   RFC 2065 - Domain Name System Security Extensions, D. Eastlake, C.
        Kaufman, January 1997.

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Author's Address

   Donald E. Eastlake, 3rd
   CyberCash, Inc.
   318 Acton Street
   Carlisle, MA 01741 USA

   Telephone:   +1 508-287-4877
                +1 508-371-7148 (fax)
                +1 703-620-4200 (main office, Reston, Virginia, USA)
   email:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Expiration and File Name

   This draft expires November 1997.

   Its file name is draft-eastlake-muse-02.txt.

Appendix A: MUSE Policy Syntax

   <category> ::= encrypt | sign | verify | strip

   <control> ::= always | never | once

   <options> ::= mandatory | requested | user | host

   <policy> ::= <category> <control> *( <options>)

   <policies> ::= <policy> *(,<policy>)

   Comments are parenthesized and lines may be wrapped as in RFC 822

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