At 07:52 AM 5/29/00 -0400, Dan Geer wrote:
>There is no doubt whatsoever that the sanctity of a vote once
>cast can be absolutely preserved as it is moved from your house
>to the counting house.  What cannot be done, now or ever, is to
>ensure the sanctity of the voting booth anywhere but in a
>physical and, yes, public location attended to by persons both
>known to each other and drawn from those strata of society who
>care enough to be present.

So I typically elect to vote by mail.  Is my vote worthless because of that?

There are no replacements for the
>voting booth as a moment of privacy wrapped in inefficient but
>proven isolation by unarguable witness, a place where we are
>equal as in no other.  

'Sanctity'?  'Moment of privacy?'  Sorry, no sacred cows allowed
here, unless they're seeing eye cows, or nicely barbequeued.

>Move the dispatch of a vote to a remote
>browser and $100 bills

So standing in line with the masses like some Russian waiting for
bread somehow immunizes against voter fraud?

>Internet voting is anti-democracy and those who cannot bestir
>themselves to be present upon that day and place which is never
>a surprise to do that which is the single most precious gift of
>all the blood of all the liberators can, in a word, shut up.

Yeah right...  real purty flame there, real Daughters of the American
Revolution material, blood of the liberators and all, but how about a real
argument?   Or is your retro dogma supposed to be lapped up
on the basis of your empty, inflamatory assertions?


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