> the OpenSSL project was not accepting code from US sources. Has this policy changed?

Yes. The various members of the openssl-core team either
        agree that the current regulations remove their concern; or
        feel that even though there are issues it's not worth dealing with now

US contributions can be submitted.  They just have to be good enough to
be accepted. :)

Multiple interoperable implementations are usually a good thing.  But
when the talent pool is so small, and the (perceived? :) importance of
the product is so great, I agree that the open source community is best
served by rallying around a single implementation.  Simpson's original
note, asking for reviewers of the NSS code, can be seen as a proof point
of this.  There are plenty of closed-source SSL/TLS/etc implementations
for interop testing.

Flogging one of my own personal horses, the integration of CDSA and
OpenSSL (being started by Intel) will be a very good thing.

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