On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 01:03:49PM -0500, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> I've been working with Congresswoman Lynn Rivers on language for 
> electronic ballots.  My intent is to specify the security sensitive 
> information, and encourage widespread implementation in a competitive 
> environment.  We'd like feedback. 

First the basics:

  1. An electronic election system need only be as good as the current
     system. While perfection remains the goal, the minimum criteria
     is that it be no worse.

  2. There needs to be an absolute disconnect between the voter and the
     vote. Some kind of voting certificate should allow a vote but make
     it difficult to determine how someone voted.

  3. The concept of the polling place needs to be re-examined. If a voter
     can vote from anywhere at anytime then the problem becomes one of
     counting the last vote. A vote signed by an authorized observer
     would supercede any following ones that were not observed.

It seems that something like a smartcard would be the best scheme. The card
would have to be able to encrypt the vote and sign it. An observer would
need an additional card to sign votes. This would allow a voter to vote
from almost anywhere and coercion could be defeated by going to another
place and voting in front of an observer.

Obviously if the smartcard contained a signing key with no way to 
relate it to the external number of the card, there would be some room
for fraud with lost or stolen cards. Replacing these voter certificates
at regular intervals would minimize that.

Even a system relying on software and floppy disks might be as good as
the way we have now. Current systems count on most of the people being
honest anyway.

| 73,            E-mail       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       |
| Lyn Kennedy    webpage      | http://webusers.anet-dfw.com/~lrkn/     |
| K5QWB          pony express = P.O. Box 5133, Ovilla, TX, USA 75154    |
---Livin' on an information dirt road a few miles off the superhighway---

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