At 1:03 PM -0500 1/25/2001, William Allen Simpson wrote:
>I've been working with Congresswoman Lynn Rivers on language for
>electronic ballots.  My intent is to specify the security sensitive
>information, and encourage widespread implementation in a competitive
>environment.  We'd like feedback.

While it is good that you are taking the time to work with Congress 
on this, I have a number of problems with what you have proposed. 
I've indicated a few specifics below but here are some general 

First, and most important, it is far from a given that public key 
cryptography can be used to build a better voting system than the 
best paper systems that are presently in use (even assuming as true 
the unproven mathematical foundations of the technology).  There is 
much more room for undetectable shenanigans in an electronic system 
than in a paper system. Political leaders should understand that it 
is not just a question of issuing the right RFP.  In particular,  it 
is premature to start drafting a law.

Second, I find it unsatisfactory to review a proposed cryptosystem 
design presented in legal language. At the very least, a careful 
system design document, preferably with pseudo code, and a detailed 
threat model should be presented. A working model would be better.

You should separate the performance criteria a voting system must 
meet from the technical design.

It is not enough that a voting system be secure, or that it be 
reviewed by experts. It's security must be evident to the average 
voter. Otherwise it is possible to intimidate voters even if the 
system isn't breakable. ("The boss has computer experts working for 
him so you better vote for his candidate if you want to keep your 

Finally, there are those unproven mathematical foundations. Assuming 
them true may be acceptable for message privacy or financial 
transactions of modest size, but basing our entire political system 
is another matter.

>Unlike last year's so-called "electronic signatures act", this one
>specifies real digital signatures, with definitions culled from the
>usual Menezes et alia Handbook.

I would much rather you specify specific technologies, such as FIPS 
standards (SHA1, SHA2, AES,  (it will be out soon  enough), DSA, and 
P.1363. You can always add "or demonstrated equivalent"  (though I 
wouldn't). The Handbook definitions are far too loose in legal hands. 
System security analysis is very dependent on the exact algorithms 
used, bit lengths, protocol etc., so I wouldn't want every vendor 
making these choices.  That would complicate security review 
enormously. Plus, in my experience even demonstrated weakness are 
pooh-poohed by vendors.

>Here's what it looks like so far (draft #1.2).
>Minimal requirements for conducting electronic elections.  Technology and
>vendor neutral.  Promotes interoperability, robustness, uniformity, and
>verifiability.  Easily integrated into existing equipment and practices.
>Handle duplicate votes and/or denial of service through submission of
>bogus votes.  Permit multiple persons to use the same machinery.  Inhibit
>persons with access to the machine from fraud.  Provides penalties for
>Education & telecommunications; all computing equipment purchased for
>schools or libraries with federal money under "eRate" or other
>assistance program [cite] shall be capable of use for federal elections.
>States receiving such funds shall participate in electronic federal
>                                        ====
>Title ______ -- Electronic Election Requirements
>    This title may be cited as the ``Electronic Election Requirements Act''.
>SEC. xx02. DEFINITIONS. -- In this title:
>(A) BASE64 ENCODING -- A standard method for compact display of
>    arbitrary numeric data, described in Multipurpose Internet Mail
>    Extensions (MIME), Internet RFC-2045 et seq.
>(B) DIGITAL CERTIFICATE -- A verifiable means to bind the identification
>    and other attributes of a public key to an entity that controls the
>    corresponding private key using a digital signature.  In this
>    application, the certificate shall be self-signed, and signed by the
>    appropriate authorizing state server.
>(C) DIGITAL SIGNATURE -- A verifiable means to bind information to an
>    entity, in a manner that is computationally infeasible for any
>    adversary to find any second message and signature combination that
>    appears to originate from the entity.  Any method used for an
>    election shall ensure integrity and non-repudiation for at least ten
>    years.
>(D) ELECTION SOFTWARE -- Applications or browser applets that display an
>    electronic ballot and record the voter choices.
>(E) ELECTRONIC ELECTION SYSTEMS -- A collection of electronic
>    components, including election software, hardware, and platform
>    operating system, on both local clients and remote servers, used in
>    the election.
>(F) MANIPULATION DETECTION CODE (MDC) -- An easily calculated function
>    that indicates whether the information has been modified.
>    Specifically, the output of a one-way hash function, which is
>    computationally infeasible to find any second input that has the
>    same output.
>(G) PSEUDO-RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR (PRNG) -- A one-way function that
>    generates an apparently unpredictable sequence of unique numbers,
>    initialized by a random starting value (called the "seed").  Any
>    method used for an election shall inhibit computational discovery of
>    the sequence, by an adversary with knowledge of the algorithm and
>    any previously generated numbers, for at least six months.

I find the language "for at least six months" to be very dangerous. 
It implies that we have a variety of cryptographic components on the 
shelf, calibrated by the time needed to break them and with cost in 
proportion to their strength. Would that this were so! In fact we 
have pretty much two classes of components: those we know can be 
broken and those that (we think, hope, in rare cases have proven) 
cannot be broken. The cost difference is minuscule. The difference 
between 6 months and 500  years is just 10 bits. 35 bits gets you to 
the age of the universe. There is no reason whatsoever to use 
anything but the best we have in this application.

And where does 6 months come from? Moore's law will cut that in half 
every Congressional election cycle anyway.

>(A) INSPECTION -- Election software shall be open source implementations
>    capable of inspection by poll watchers and election inspectors.
>    Functional components shall include tamper protection by
>    manipulation detection code and digital signature, which shall be
>    separately published and verified.

There are a lot of reasons why open source is desirable, but it does 
simply the job for an attacker. I have thought about some notion of 
an obfuscating compiler, one that would insert a lot of meaningless 
object code, branches etc. based on some pseudo-random generator, but 
whose code would provably produce the same outcome. That might be 
appropriate here, so attackers would have a very narrow window in 
which to produce an effective virus or Trojan. The obfuscation key 
would be kept secret until after the election, after which the 
validity of the object code used could easily be checked against the 
published source.

>(B) INTEROPERABILITY -- Election software shall be capable of operation
>    on at least 3 multiple, independently implemented platforms.  This
>    applies to all functionally equivalent or interchangeable components
>    of the system or process in which they are used.
>(C) ROBUSTNESS -- Election software shall concurrently register voter
>    choices at the local client, and municipality or other regional
>    voting district server(s), and state server(s), using well-known
>    database transaction multi-phase commit techniques.

Better be more specific.

>(D) UNIFORMITY -- Display of candidates shall be substantially similar
>    for each race within a state.  On each display, the names of
>    candidates may be randomly ordered within each race.  Election
>    software shall prevent overvote and undervote, and shall allow the
>    voter to correct such conditions.  Voters unwilling to indicate a
>    choice may select "no vote".  Where "none of the above" or its
>    equivalent is a valid choice, "no vote" shall be a separately
>    distinguished choice.

Some states (e.g. Florida) specify order on the ballot in terms of 
party results in the last statewide election. Whether that method is 
reasonable has nothing to with electronic voting.

Then there is the question of how that random seed is selected.

>(E) VERIFIABILITY -- Transactions registering voter choices shall be
>    recorded in a printable textual format using US-ASCII characters.
>    The first line of each transaction record shall include an audit
>    number assigned each voter at the time of voting (such as a
>    sequential poll book number or pseudo-random personal identification
>    number).  The record shall not include any other personally
>    identifiable voter information.  Each successive line of the record
>    shall indicate the title of the race as it appears on the ballot
>    display, delimited by a colon, followed by the voter choice as it
>    appears on the ballot display, or the text of a write-in vote as
>    typed by the voter.
>(A) AUTHENTICATION -- Transactions registering voter choices shall be
>    authenticated by a digital certificate.  The certificate shall be
>    generated by the local polling machine no sooner than the opening of
>    the polls.  The public part of the key shall be verified to be
>    unique and certified by the participating state server(s).  The
>    certificate shall expire no later than the closing of the polls.  The
>    private part of the key shall not be disclosed by the electronic
>    election system, and shall be destroyed by the local polling machine
>    at any time subsequent to the expiration of the certificate.

This seems impossible to verify, especially if one plans to use 
hardware that has other uses and is therefore physically accessible 
throughout the year.

>(B) AUTHORIZATION -- Registration of digital certificates by the state
>    server(s) shall include at least two parts:
>    (1) The physical location of the local polling machine, including
>        the mailing address of the local election clerk responsible for
>        operating the local polling station(s); and
>    (2) A secret password.  At least 14 days prior to the opening of the
>        polls, the state shall pseudo-randomly generate a unique
>        password assigned to each anticipated local polling machine. The

The "state" can't generate anything.  Only people and machines can. 
You have to specify how this is to be done, who is present, etc. 
down to how the passwords get into the envelopes and what prevent 
someone from reading the numbers through the envelope.

>        seed for the pseudo-random number generator shall not be
>        disclosed until after the closing of the polls.  The passwords
>        shall be physically printed in base64 encoding, and shall be

Why Base-64? The mixed capitalization will drive poll workers crazy 
and many polling places will report broken machines because the can't 
enter the password properly. Base-32 would be a much better choice.

>        sent by the state to the poll operator via registered mail.  The
>        mail envelope(s) shall not be opened until immediately prior to
>        the opening of the polls.
>    (3) In addition, the registration transaction shall indicate the
>        electronic location (that is, Internet address) of the polling
>        machine, the name of the operator initiating the registration,
>        and the election software manipulation detection code and
>        digital signature.
>(C) CONFIDENTIALITY -- Electronic election systems shall provide
>    confidentiality of all transactions between a local polling machine,
>    and participating servers. 
>(D) INTEGRITY -- Transactions registering voter choices shall use
>    digital signatures to protect against modification.  The digital
>    signature shall be generated at the local polling machine using its
>    certificate.  These digitally signed transactions shall be retained
>    at every participating server.  For transaction audit purposes, the
>    digital signatures shall be displayed in base64 encoding, together
>    with an indication of the identified polling machine and whether the
>    digital signature is valid.
>(E) PRIVACY -- Electronic election systems shall not disclose personally
>    identifiable vote choices.  Any distinguishable value assigned each
>    voter for the purposes of voting (such as a sequential poll book
>    number or pseudo-random personal identification number) shall not be
>    electronically cross-referenced with transactions, except as part of
>    a transaction audit (such as a recount).
>(F) TRANSCRIPTION -- legacy paper ballots may be transcribed for
>    electronic counting on a local polling machine designated for that
>    purpose.  The digital certificate shall indicate that it is used for
>    transcription, and the password shall not be used for any other
>    voter transactions.
>(A) AUTHENTICATION -- Transactions registering voter choices shall be
>    authenticated by a digital certificate.  The certificate shall be
>    generated by the absentee election software no sooner than the
>    beginning of absentee registration.  The public part of the key
>    shall be verified to be unique and certified by the participating
>    state server(s).  The certificate shall expire no later than 24
>    hours prior to the opening of the polls.  The private part of the
>    key shall not be disclosed by the electronic election system, and
>    shall be destroyed by the absentee polling machine at any time
>    subsequent to the expiration of the certificate.
>(B) AUTHORIZATION -- Registration of digital certificates by the state
>    server(s) shall include at least four parts:
>    (1) The name of the absentee voter initiating the registration;
>    (2) A secret Personal Identification Number (PIN).  At the time of
>        absentee ballot application, the state shall pseudo-randomly
>        generate a unique PIN assigned to the absentee voter.  The seed
>        for the pseudo-random number generator shall not be disclosed
>        until after the closing of the polls.  The PIN shall be
>        displayed to the absentee voter in base64 encoding for later
>        entry at the time of voting, but shall not be retained in
>        storage by the absentee election software.  The PIN shall not be
>        disclosed to the local election clerk;

Again Base-64 is a bad choice and the procedure for how the numbers 
are generated and get to the voter must be made clear.

>    (3) The physical mailing address of the absentee voter.  The name
>        and mailing address of the absentee voter shall be
>        electronically transmitted by the state to the appropriate local
>        election clerk; and
>    (4) Another secret password.  Subsequent to verification of absentee
>        eligibility, the local election clerk shall pseudo-randomly
>        generate a unique password assigned to each absentee voter, and
>        electronically transmit the password to the state server(s).
>        The seed for the pseudo-random number generator shall not be
>        disclosed until after the closing of the polls.  The password
>        shall be physically printed in base64 encoding, and shall be
>        sent by the clerk to the absentee voter via regular mail.
>    (5) In addition, the registration transaction shall indicate the
>        electronic location (that is, Internet address) of the absentee
>        polling machine, and the election software manipulation
>        detection code and digital signature.
>(C) DUPLICATES -- When more than one authentic vote by the same absentee
>    voter is detected, the last such vote shall supercede any earlier
>    vote.  An absentee voter appearing at the regular polling place shall
>    supercede any earlier vote.
>(D) TIMELINESS -- Electronic absentee ballots shall be received and
>    recorded at least 24 hours prior to the opening of the polls.

Unless there is a design issue that I don't see, that is a political question.

>(E) OTHER -- Except as specified in this section, all other requirements
>    of section xx20 (C) to (F) apply to absentee ballots.
>(A) AUTHORIZATION FRAUD -- may not disclose, exchange, or use the PIN or
>    password of another voter or .  Felony, need big penalty!
>(B) CONFIDENTIALITY -- may not circumvent confidentiality.  felony,
>    $5,000 per incident, 2 to 5 years jail.
>(C) PRIVACY -- Where transcription or transaction audit could reveal
>    personally identifiable vote choices, felony (to disclose or even
>    browse, see IRS for language), $1,000 per person identified, 2 to 5
>    years jail.
>Version: PGP 6.5.1

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