William Allen Simpson wrote:

> I've been working with Congresswoman Lynn Rivers on language for
> electronic ballots.  My intent is to specify the security sensitive
> information, and encourage widespread implementation in a competitive
> environment.  We'd like feedback.

I suggest you take a look at:

1. Sixteen requirements for voting. The requirements are technologically neutral
and can be applied to paper, electronic or Internet systems.  There is an extensive
discussion of alternatives, before the requirements are summarized. Available at
http://www.thebell.net/archives/thebell1.7.pdf , page 3.

2. Talk to Assemblyman Kevin Shelley (D, CA) , who proposed an Online Voting
Modernization Act this January. Contact through [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3. Talk to Assemblyman John Longville (D, CA), who chaired the California
Legislative Hearing on Elections this Jan/16-17.

4. My testimony to the California Legislative Hearing on Elections, available in a
verbatiom copy from the tapes, at  


Ed Gerck

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