There are specific algorithms where you have a pretty clear-cut 
security/performance tradeoff.  RSA and ECC both give you some choice of 
security level that has a big impact in terms of performance.  AES and SHA2 and 
eventually SHA3 offer you some secuirty level choices, but the difference in 
performance between them is relatively unimportant in most applications.  
Probably the coolest thing about Keccak's capacity parameter is that it gives 
you an understandable performance/security tradeoff, but the difference in 
performance between c=256 and c=512 will probably not be noticable in 99% of 

Then there are algorithms that give you higher performance at the cost of more 
fragility.  The example I can think of here is GCM, which gives you a pretty 
fast authenticated encryption mode, but which really loses security in a hurry 
if you reuse an IV.

It seems like these two kinds of security/performance tradeoffs belong in 
different categories, somehow.  


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