On Oct 1, 2013, at 5:34 AM, Ray Dillinger <b...@sonic.net> wrote:
> What I don't understand here is why the process of selecting a standard 
> algorithm for cryptographic primitives is so highly focused on speed. 
If you're going to choose a single standard cryptographic algorithm, you have 
to consider all the places it will be used.  These range from very busy front 
ends - where people to this day complain (perhaps with little justification, 
but they believe that for them it's a problem) that doing an RSA operation per 
incoming connection is too expensive (and larger keys will only make it worse), 
to phones (where power requirements are more of an issue than raw speed) to 
various embedded devices (where people still use cheap devices because every 
penny counts) to all kinds of devices that have to run for a long time off a 
local battery or even off of microwatts of power transferred to an unpowered 
device by a reader.
> We have machines that are fast enough now that while speed isn't a non issue, 
> it is no longer nearly as important as the process is giving it precedence 
> for.
We do have such machines, but we also have - and will have, for the foreseeable 
future - machines for which this is *not* the case.

Deciding on where to draw the line and say "I don't care if you can support 
this algorithm in a sensor designed to be put in a capsule and swallowed to 
transmit pictures of the GI tract for medical analysis" is not a scientific 
question; it's a policy question.

> Our biggest problem now is security,  not speed. I believe that it's a bit 
> silly to aim for a minimum acceptable security achievable within the context 
> of speed while experience shows that each new class of attacks is usually 
> first seen against some limited form of the cipher or found to be effective 
> only if the cipher is not carried out to a longer process.  
The only problem with this argument is that "the biggest problem" is hard to 
pin down.  There's little evidence that the symmetric algorithms we have today 
are significant problems.  There is some evidence that some of the asymmetric 
algorithms may have problems due to key size, or deliberate subversion.  Fixing 
the first of these does induce significant costs; fixing the second first of 
all requires some knowledge of the nature of the subversion.  But beyond all 
this the "biggest problems" we've seen have to do with other components, like 
random number generators, protocols, infiltration of trusted systems, and so 
on.  None of these is amenable to defense by removing constraints on 
performance.  (The standardized random number generator that "ignored 
performance to be really secure" turned out to be anything but!)

We're actually moving in an interesting direction.  At one time, the cost of 
decent crypto algorithms was high enough to be an issue for most hardware.  DES 
at the speed of the original 10Mb/sec Ethernet was an significant engineering 
accomplishment!  These days, even the lowest end "traditional computer" has 
plenty of spare CPU to run even fairly expensive algorithms - but at the same 
time we're pushing more and more into a world of tiny, low-powered machines 
everywhere.  The ratio of speed and supportable power consumption and memory 
between the average "large" machine and the average "tiny" machine is wider 
than it's ever been.  At the low end, the exposure is different:  An attacker 
typically has to be physically close to even talk to the device, there are only 
a small number of communications partners, and any given device has relatively 
little information within it.  Perhaps a lower level of security is appropriate 
in such situations.  (Of course, as we've seen with SCA
 DA systems, there's a temptation to just put these things directly on the 
Internet - in which case all these assumptions fail.  A higher-level problem:  
If you take this approach, you need to make sure that the devices are only 
accessible through a gateway with sufficient power to run stronger algorithms.  
How do you do that?)

So perhaps the assumption that needs to be reconsidered is that we can design a 
single algorithm suitable across the entire spectrum.  Currently we have 
SHA-128 and SHA-256, but exactly why one should choose one or the other has 
never been clear - SHA-256 is somewhat more expensive, but I can't think of any 
examples where SHA-128 would be practical but SHA-256 would not.  In practice, 
when CPU is thought to be an issue (rightly or wrongly), people have gone with 
RC4 - standards be damned.

It is worth noting that NSA seems to produce suites of algorithms optimized for 
particular uses and targeted for different levels of security.  Maybe it's time 
for a similar approach in public standards.

                                                        -- Jerry

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