On Dec 17, 2010, at 12:34 39PM, Jon Callas wrote:

> Let's get back to the matter at hand.
> I believe that there's another principle, which is that he who proposes, 
> disposes. I'll repeat -- it's up to the person who says there was/is a back 
> door to find it.
> Searching the history for stupid-ass bugs is carrying their paranoid water. 
> *Finding* a bug is not only carrying their water, but accusing someone of 
> being underhanded. The difference between a stupid bug and a back door is 
> intent. By calling a bug a back door, or considering it, we're also accusing 
> that coder of being underhanded. You're doing precisely what the person 
> throwing the paranoia wants. You're sowing fear and paranoia. 
> Of course there are stupid bugs in the IPsec code. There's stupid bugs in 
> every large system. It is difficult to assign intent to bugs, though, as that 
> ends up being a discussion of the person.

Yes -- see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Jesus_Angleton#The_Molehunt for 
where that sort of thing can lead.

Many years ago, I learned that someone working on a major project had just been 
arrested for hacking.  Did he leave any surprised behind in our code?  I put 
together a team to do an audit.  We found one clear security hole -- but the 
commit logs showed who was responsible, and a conversation with her showed that 
it was an innocent mistake (and not something our suspect had 
socially-engineered into the code base).  Then I found something much more 
ambiguous -- two separate bugs, which -- when combined with a common but 
non-standard configuration -- added up to a security hole.  In one of the bugs, 
the code didn't agree with the comments, but there was a very plausible 
innocent explanation.  And yes, the suspect was responsible for that section of 
the code.  Deliberate?  Accidental?  To this day, I don't know; all I know for 
sure is that we found and closed two security holes, one very subtle.  Today is 
Dec 17, an odd-numbered day, so I think it was an ordinary bug.  Tomorrow, 
 I may feel differently.

                --Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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