On 18/12/10 7:54 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2010-12-18 1:39 AM, Alfonso De Gregorio wrote:
Along this line, there is, by some years, The Underhanded C Contest,
an annual contest to write innocent-looking C code implementing
malicious behavior http://underhanded.xcott.com/

Those participating in the underhanded C contest had the considerable
advantage that the underhanded programmer was allowed to define the task
and invent the algorithm.

Hence my proposed restriction to interoperation with a good version and
use of well known algorithms and protocols.

Yeah, I second that. I was thinking of limiting it to a well known set to be backdoored. E.g., OpenSSL, OpenSSH, IPSec.


PS: But I do agree with Jon. There is a non-trivial chance that this is just those guys futzing with our minds and sending us on a wildgoose chase. Maybe they discovered that wikileaks is using OpenBSD or the Iranian centrifuges are about to roll out on it or the Chinese have mandated it for all secure stuff ... Hours of fun!
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