On 2010-12-17 10:42 PM, Ian G wrote:
(resend, with right sender this time)

On 17/12/10 3:30 PM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

To put it more succinctly, and to paraphrase Richelieu, give me six
lines of
code written by the hand of the most honest of coders and I'll find
in there to backdoor.

This is the sort of extraordinary claim which I like.

So, how to explore this claim and turn it into some form of
scientifically validated proposition?

Perhaps we should run a competition?

Come one, come all! Bring your K&R!

Submit the most subtle backdoor into open source crypto thingumyjob.

Win fame, fortune, and a free holiday in a disputed part of Cuba ...

Judged by a panel of extremely crotchety and skeptical cryptoplumbers

(aka, assembled herein).


Suggested restrictions:

Must interoperate with legitimate code.

Must plausibly claim to utilize well known algorithms (while actually misusing them or grossly deviating from them.).

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