On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Benjamin Kreuter <brk...@virginia.edu> wrote:
> ...
> The law has definitely improved over what cryptographers faced in the
> 90s, but the attitudes have not.  The US government still wants a
> system where encrypted communications can be arbitrarily decrypted,
> they just dress up the argument and avoid using dirty words like "key
> escrow."

now they pay to side step crypto entirely:

iOS up to $250,000
Chrome or IE up to $200,000
Firefox or Safari up to $150,000
Windows up to $120,000
MS Word up to $100,000
Flash or Java up to $100,000
Android up to $60,000
OSX up to $50,000


plenty of weak links between you and privacy...
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