An never mind... the 555MH and 12.4TH its 23,000 AMD 7970 GPU equivalents,
that back in the land of plausible.

Or 158 petflops if you accept's sha256 to "flop" conversion
ratio.  A human brain by comparison is generally considered to be about
10-100x less than the current bitcoin network (10^15 - 10^16 ops/sec).

So maybe the bitcoin network has just enough power to simulate a single
human brain.  Except a human brain consumes 25watts and even with 23,000
7970s the bitcoin network must be using more than 5 MW.

Moore's law still has a lot of work to do to catchup with biologial
computers in efficiency and horsepower.


On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 01:22:44AM +0200, Adam Back wrote:
Strikes me 12TH/sec is not actually very much computation? also gives network hashrate at 12.4 TH/sec.

But a single normally clocked (925Mhz) AMD 7970 based graphics card which
has 2048 cores is claimed to provide 555MH/sec.
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