> http://nimbusid.com

I apologize, in advance and sincerely, for answering a question
that is quite likely not the one you are asking, but I do not want
a unitary ID.



1. Identity

Miniaturization will continue its long-running progression and, in
consequence, devices will continue to proliferate into spaces in
which they were never before present.  Burgeoning proliferation
demands device autonomy, and will get it.  For autonomy to not
itself be a source of irredeemable failure modes, devices will have
individual identities and some degree of decision making capacity.

As device counts grow, device identity eclipses (human) user identity
because user identity can be derived from device identity insofar
as the proliferation of devices means that users are each and
severally surrounded by multiple devices, devices whose identity
is baked into their individual hardware, as is already the case in
mobile telephony.

There is then neither need nor process to assert "My name is Dan"
as Dan's several devices will collectively confirm that this is
Dan, perhaps in consultation with each other.  As per [ZUBOFF]'s
Laws, all devices are therefore sensors and as the devices themselves
have immutable device identities, Dan's claim to being Dan is decided
algorithmically.  And distally.

Cryptographic keys for users thus become irrelevant as devices will
have them, thereby freeing users from key management much less
password drills.  The Fifth Amendment is entirely mooted as Courts
have already ruled that only something you know is protected
thereunder, not something you are or have, that is to say that
production of devices under subpoena cannot be thwarted.[BAUST]

The longstanding debate over whether identity should be name-centric
(where "Dan" is the identity and some key is an attribute of "Dan")
or key-centric (where the key is the identity and "Dan" is an
attribute of that key) is thus decided in favor of key-centricity
though the keys are now held in a fog of small devices.  This setting
mimics how a stratum of elite people carry neither identification
nor money -- in the context of their retinue there is no need for

For the result of this data fusion to not be a unitary identity for
the individual user, policy will have to demarcate data fusion with
a vigor it has never before dared.[DG]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


[BAUST] Virginia v. Baust, CR14-1439, 28 Oct 2014

[DG] Privacy is the effective capacity to misrepresent yourself,
ergo, it is your devices that give pawns to fortune.  See "Tradeoffs
in Cyber Security," geer.tinho.net/geer.uncc.9x13.txt

[PK] Paul Krugman, "Apple and the Self-Surveillance State," New
York Times, 10 April 2015

[ZUBOFF] Shoshana Zuboff, Harvard Business School
. Everything that can be automated will be automated.
. Everything that can be informated will be informated.
. Every digital application that can be used for surveillance and
.    control will be used for surveillance and control.


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