Dear all,

The preliminary program for the STORK cryptography workshop is now available
on the STORK website, and is also included below for your information. The
most recent version is always available on the STORK website. May I also
remind you of the early registration deadline of 28 October. The STORK
website contains all necessary details on STORK and its
workshop (program and registration). Any remaining questions can always be

Apologies if you receive this more than once.

Kind regards,
Antoon Bosselaers
STORK Project management


  STORK Cryptography Workshop:

  Towards a Roadmap for Future Research

  November 26-27, 2002
  Golden Tulip Hotel de'Medici, Bruges, BELGIUM


  Tuesday 26 November 2002
  9h00-10h00: Introduction
    Bart Preneel (K.U.Leuven), Introduction and STORK overview (10')
    Aniyan Varghese (STORK Project Officer), The 6th Framework Programme (25')
    Bart Preneel (K.U.Leuven), NESSIE overview (25')
  10h00-10h30: Electronic signatures [chair: Bart Preneel]
    Bernd Holznagel (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster),
       Regulation on digital signatures (15')
    Yves Le Roux (SISGEM), Smart IS Accompanying Measure NAME-ES (15')

  10h30-11h00: coffee break
  11h00-12h00: Quantum Computing and Quantum Cryptography [chair: Mats Näslund]
    Louis Salvail (BRICS, invited), Quantum computing and quantum cryptography (40')
    Christian Monyk (ARC Seibersdorf Research GmbH), On quantum cryptography (10')
    Discussion (10')
  12h00-12h15: Smart cards [chair: Kim Nguyen]
    Jean-Jacques Quisquater (UCL), RESET: smart cards and cryptography (15')
  12h15-13h45: lunch
  13h45-16h00: Public-Key Cryptography [chair: Jacques Stern]
    Gerhard Frey (University of Essen, invited),
       The future of the discrete logarithm problem (45')
    Panel on alternative Public Key Algorithms (1h30')
       Number Field systems: Harald Baier (TU Darmstadt)
       Multivariate systems: Nicolas Courtois and Louis Goubin (SchlumbergerSema)
       HCC/ECC: Andreas Enge (LIX Ecole polytechnique)
       NTRU/Lattices: Phong Nguyen (ENS)
       Coding theory based: Nicolas Sendrier (INRIA)
       ID-based systems: Nigel Smart (Bristol University)
       XTR-systems: Henk van Tilborg (TU Eindhoven)
  16h00-16h30: coffee break
  16h30-17h30: Symmetric Cryptography [chair: Steve Babbage]
    Matthew Parker (University of Bergen), Stream ciphers and coding theory (10')
    Anne Canteaut (INRIA) and Hans Dobbertin (Ruhr-Universität Bochum),
       Design criteria for symmetric primitives (15')
    Nicolas Courtois and Louis Goubin (SchlumbergerSema),
       Open problems in multivariate cryptanalysis (10')
    Alex Biryukov (K.U.Leuven) and Lars Knudsen (TU Denmark),
       Design and analysis of block ciphers (15')
    Discussion (10')

  Wednesday 27 November 2002
  9h00-10h00: Foundations [chair: Louis Granboulan]
    Moti Yung (Columbia University, invited), Issues in Public Key Cryptography (45')
    Sean Murphy (Royal Holloway University of London), On foundations of cryptology 
  10h00-11h30: Applications and Implementations [chair: Helena Handschuh]
    NN, Digital rights management (15')
    Michael Ward (MasterCard Europe), An overview of MasterCard and a
       proposal for Cryptologic Research (15')
  10h30-11h00: coffee break
    Chris Mitchell, Kenneth Paterson, Vaia Sdralia (Royal Holloway University
       of London), Future cryptographic requirements from mobile applications (15')
    Christof Paar (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), The future of the art of
       cryptographic implementations (15')
  11h30-12h25: Protocols [chair: NN]
    Christian Cachin (IBM Research), Future research directions in cryptology (10')
    Eric Diehl (Thomson Multimedia), Copy protection and cryptography:
       an example SmartRight (10')
    Carles Padro (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Some trends
       for future research in distributed cryptography (10')
    Brian Monahan (HP Labs), Can we still avoid Protocol Security meltdown? (10')
    Discussion (15')
  12h25-12h30: Concluding remarks [NN]
  12h30-14h00: lunch

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