On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 02:22:23AM -0500, Barney Wolff wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 12:50:44AM -0600, (Mr) Lyn R. Kennedy wrote:
> > 
> > Paper ballots, folded, and dropped into a large transparent box, is not a
> > broken system. It's voting machines, punch cards, etc that are broken.
> > I don't recall seeing news pictures of an election in any other western
> > democracy where they used machines.
> Surely you jest - where else did the term ballot-stuffing come from?

Perhaps you can elaborate on how ballot-stuffing is done without the
co-operation of most of the people overseeing a polling place.

> The key, imho, is >=2 independent means of counting the votes.  Online,
> as each vote is cast, and a paper trail, for later reconciliation.
> It's hard for both to be skewed by the same amount, and differences
> will both raise suspicion and give an order of magnitude of the fraud.
> That seems to be the direction the experts are heading.

What is to prevent the people overseeing a polling place from casting the
votes for the dead? They would be recorded properly both ways.

Or they could void and re-vote for ordinary voters.

Seems there is still a problem unless each eligible voter brings a smart-
card, warm finger, eyeball, etc.

| 73,            E-mail       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      |
| Lyn Kennedy    webpage      | http://home.earthlink.net/~lrkn         |
| K5QWB          ICBM         | 32.5 North 96.9 West                    |
---Livin' on an information dirt road a few miles off the superhighway---

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