Peter Trei wrote:

 I'd prefer that the printed receipt be retained at the polling
 station, after the voter has had an opportunity to examine it.
 This serves two purposes: First, it prevents the vote selling
 described above, and second, if a recount is required, it allows
 the recount to be done on the basis of a trustworthy  record,
 already certified by the voter as accurate.

Then there is the problem that the printed receipt must not be usable to determine who voted for who, even knowing in which order the voters went to the machine. Therefore the printed receipts must be shuffled. Which brings us straight back to papers in a box, that we shake before opening.

Every way I look at it, electronic voting has a hard time to match the resilience to abuse of the traditional bulletin-in-an-enveloppe-in-a-box.

Francois Grieu

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