Hallo everyone,

Could anybody help to extract r and s integers from a ecdsa signature?
The code from the example is:
ECDSA<ECP, SHA256>::Signer signer;
signer.AccessKey().Initialize( prng, ASN1::secp256k1() ); 
string message = "Do or do not. There is no try.";
// Determine maximum size, allocate a string with the maximum size size_t 
siglen = signer.MaxSignatureLength();
string signature(siglen, 0x00);
// Sign, and trim signature to actual size
siglen = signer.SignMessage( prng, (const byte*)&message[0], 
message.size(), (byte*)&signature[0] ); 

Moreover, the final signature shouldn't be 64 bytes always (32 for r, 32 
for s)? I tried to get the first 32 bytes for r and the next for s, but it 
is not the same length for all messages.

Thank you!

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