I started investigating the installation problems and discovered that 
the Jam installation rules are somewhat broken. (Specifically, they are 
subverting the normal Jam binding facility by manually attempting to set 
directories on targets rather than using the normal gristing plus 
MakeLocate.) Problems are not limited to CS 1.2 and Windows. Instead, 
installation problems are manifesting even in CS trunk and for platforms 
other than just Windows.

Until this is fixed, I recommend that you just skip the 'jam install' 
step altogether. Since you have your CRYSTAL environment variable 
pointing at the CS source tree rather than at the installed CS location, 
the 'jam install' step was wasted anyhow.

As for the CEL issue, you can see by looking at cel/config.log that it 
is looking for CS like this: "g++ -o conftest.exe -I/msys/cs/include". 
This is being taken from your CRYSTAL environment variable which is 
C:\msys\cs. Unfortunately, when MSYS translates this DOS environment 
variable, it turns into something which is not a valid MSYS path. 
Instead, try setting your CRYSTAL environment variable to "/c/msys/cs".

Note also that it generally is not recommended to pollute the c:\msys 
directory with things not directly related to MSYS since it make 
upgrading MSYS more difficult. Instead, you might want to locate CS and 
CEL in c:\temp, c:\devel, or someplace similar.

-- ES

Robert Vandeventer wrote:
> Thanks for helping.  Here are the new outputs.
> http://cphonx.net/21conf.txt
> http://cphonx.net/22jam.txt
> http://cphonx.net/23inst.txt
> And from cel
> http://cphonx.net/cel_conf.txt
> http://cphonx.net/config_log.txt
> Does this help?
> On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Eric Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     On Jul 5, 2008, at 7:34 PM, Robert Vandeventer wrote:
>      > Hello everyone.  New subscriber here.  I'm going completely bonkers
>      > trying to what I'm doing wrong with my installation of Crystal
>      > Space.  I've re done this over and over and over again, and
>      > walktest only compiles 25% of the time and CEL's ./configure is
>      > happy a grand total of 0% of the time, repeatedly telling me the
>      > SDK is not installed no matter what I do.  I can't figure out the
>      > problem.
>      > using msys, ./configure gives me the output: http://cphonx.net/
>      > 1conf.txt
>      > using msys, jam gives me the output: http://cphonx.net/2jam.txt
>      > using msys, jam install gives me the output: http://cphonx.net/
>      > 3inst.txt
>     The installation log shows a number of failures. Unfortunately,
>     however, the actual error messages are not present in the log. It
>     will be useful if you can generate a log which also captures the
>     error messages. Try this:
>     jam install > 3inst.txt 2>&1
>     As for CEL configure failing, we will need to see the config.log
>     which is generated by the configuration process.
>     -- ES

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