The Makefile does nothing more than run Jam, so there actually is no 

-- ES

Robert Vandeventer wrote:
> Well, I tried that, and it seems to work right.  I'm curious though... 
> with crystalspace and cel now properly installed, what should the 
> CRYSTAL and CEL environmental variables be set to?
> On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 10:41 PM, Robert Vandeventer <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     A thought just came to mind.  If jam is the problem, would it help
>     to use make -k and make -k install?
>     On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 2:27 PM, Eric Sunshine
>     <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>         I started investigating the installation problems and discovered
>         that
>         the Jam installation rules are somewhat broken. (Specifically,
>         they are
>         subverting the normal Jam binding facility by manually
>         attempting to set
>         directories on targets rather than using the normal gristing plus
>         MakeLocate.) Problems are not limited to CS 1.2 and Windows.
>         Instead,
>         installation problems are manifesting even in CS trunk and for
>         platforms
>         other than just Windows.
>         Until this is fixed, I recommend that you just skip the 'jam
>         install'
>         step altogether. Since you have your CRYSTAL environment variable
>         pointing at the CS source tree rather than at the installed CS
>         location,
>         the 'jam install' step was wasted anyhow.
>         As for the CEL issue, you can see by looking at cel/config.log
>         that it
>         is looking for CS like this: "g++ -o conftest.exe
>         -I/msys/cs/include".
>         This is being taken from your CRYSTAL environment variable which is
>         C:\msys\cs. Unfortunately, when MSYS translates this DOS environment
>         variable, it turns into something which is not a valid MSYS path.
>         Instead, try setting your CRYSTAL environment variable to
>         "/c/msys/cs".
>         Note also that it generally is not recommended to pollute the
>         c:\msys
>         directory with things not directly related to MSYS since it make
>         upgrading MSYS more difficult. Instead, you might want to locate
>         CS and
>         CEL in c:\temp, c:\devel, or someplace similar.
>         -- ES
>         Robert Vandeventer wrote:
>          > Thanks for helping.  Here are the new outputs.
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          > And from cel
>          >
>          >
>          >
>          > Does this help?
>          >
>          > On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Eric Sunshine
>          > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
>          >
>          >     On Jul 5, 2008, at 7:34 PM, Robert Vandeventer wrote:
>          >      > Hello everyone.  New subscriber here.  I'm going
>         completely bonkers
>          >      > trying to what I'm doing wrong with my installation of
>         Crystal
>          >      > Space.  I've re done this over and over and over
>         again, and
>          >      > walktest only compiles 25% of the time and CEL's
>         ./configure is
>          >      > happy a grand total of 0% of the time, repeatedly
>         telling me the
>          >      > SDK is not installed no matter what I do.  I can't
>         figure out the
>          >      > problem.
>          >      > using msys, ./configure gives me the output:
>          >      > 1conf.txt
>          >      > using msys, jam gives me the output:
>          >      > using msys, jam install gives me the output:
>          >      > 3inst.txt
>          >
>          >     The installation log shows a number of failures.
>         Unfortunately,
>          >     however, the actual error messages are not present in the
>         log. It
>          >     will be useful if you can generate a log which also
>         captures the
>          >     error messages. Try this:
>          >
>          >     jam install > 3inst.txt 2>&1
>          >
>          >     As for CEL configure failing, we will need to see the
>         config.log
>          >     which is generated by the configuration process.
>          >
>          >     -- ES

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