That's an env_wind with really high gust speeds, probably.

Do you have one in your map?

If not, it's probably using militia's env_wind settings on map load, or using 
default speeds if your map doesn't have an env_wind.

The default settings of env_wind do pretty much what you see in the video.  
Lower values do a nice job of giving static trees that subtle rustling that <= 
5 mph winds do irl.

On Sunday, December 1, 2013 4:01 AM, ics <> wrote:

Some tree physics go wild for some reason in my map. After some 
investigation, when found how to reproduce. Loaded up cs_militia and 
then my map and this happened

So that one particular tree model seems to go nuts. Does it need to be 
used in some other way than prop_static because static props don't 
usually _move_. Do i need prop_physics and disable movement from options 
or is this a game bug?


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