Just a quick follow-up question. I understand this is for new maps but if map is submitted to the contest, is it allowed to submit to steam workshop also at the same time?


Jon Higgins kirjoitti:
Hi Eugenio,

We realise that a lot of people were annoyed with last years results - it was our first time launching a co-sponsored event - however we have learnt a lot from it and have taken on board these comments. This time we will make sure that the rules and terms are more clearly displayed, and we are going to be very transparent about our judging process, by publishing a full list of criteria to avoid any disappointment.

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Eugenio Roman <eugenio.motanu...@gmail.com <mailto:eugenio.motanu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I am not going to take in, as I have other projects, but even if.
    It was a huge disapointment last year. When maps that clearly
    broke the rules were not disqualified. That was a huge insult to
    everyone who spent time thinking eveyr aspects of their new layouts.

    Good luck with it and I hope you guys stick by your own rules.

    On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Jon Higgins
    <jon.higg...@gamebanana.com <mailto:jon.higg...@gamebanana.com>>

        Hey chaps!

        I'm pleased to announce that the GameBanana/CEVO mapping
        contest is back for it's second year! I don't normally post
        about our contests here, however I feel it is extremely
        relevant to the members this group. (Hopefully you guys don't
        consider it advertising!)

        Last year's contest was massively successful with two maps
        developed for the contest ending up being selected for
        Operation Bravo. This time we are back with even bigger prizes
        - First place nabbing a cool $500, plus their map used in
        professional tournaments!

        *Brief:* The task is simple, you have 90 days from this post
        to develop and test a custom CS:GO map designed for 5v5s
        competitive gameplay! After an initial round of consultation
        by the teams at both GameBanana and CEVO a shortlist will go
        on to be be tested and voted on by some of the games top
        professional players!

        *Prizes:* 1st Place: $500 | 2nd Place: $350 | 3rd Place: $150

        Full details can be found here ->

        This is a great chance for some of you to show your skills to
        the world and produce high quality content for use in the
        professional gaming scene! Who knows maybe you'll follow in
        the footsteps of last years finalists such as DE_GWALIOR!

        Any questions feel free to ask!

-- *Jon Higgins*
        VP Marketing & Research

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-- Eugenio "Motanum" Roman

    eugenio.motanu...@gmail.com <mailto:eugenio.motanu...@gmail.com>
    http://twitter.com/#!/MotanumR <http://twitter.com/#%21/MotanumR>

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*Jon Higgins*
VP Marketing & Research

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