Thanks so much, Nick. Your suggestions definitely give me a direction to
head in and hope that this can be remedied!

I'll take a shot at some of those and report back.
Bill scheider

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Fitzsimons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 10:42 AM
Cc: webmaster
Subject: Re: [css-d] Another try: Flickering in Firefox

> At any rate, since you aren't seeing the flickering, it's probably
> difficult
> to know what I'm referring to.

I'm seeing it and what happens is:

1. The page is laid out;
2. The images start arriving in the protfolio container;
3. Firefox increases the height of the container to accomodate the
newly-arrived image;
4. This causes the top of the container to poke out over the top of where
it should be;
5. FF then adjusts the scrollbar so the container is the correct height
6. Another image arrives and we're back to step 3.

Things you could try (in no particular order):

1. Stick to one size of image, so you can specify their height in CSS -
probably not what you want;
2. Define several standard sizes and create CSS classes for each of them;
3. Take a trip back to 1996 and set WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes on the
images - definitely not what you want;
4. Specify the heights using inline CSS - only marginally better than 3;
5. Define a height for a container within the container, at the risk of
content either failing to fill that height, or overflowing it;

and doubtless a few other possibilities that people smarter than me can
dream up.

In other words, I can't tell you how best to fix it, but what I describe
is definitely what's wrong. Good thing I'm working at a slow old machine
with a slow old graphics card - that may be why others haven't seen it,
and speed of loading and rendering the images is also why you don't see it
unless loading from the server (network latency).

Hope this helps you work out what direction to seek a solution in,

Nick Fitzsimons

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