I'm trying to create 3 divs that sit next to each other if there's room
and who move to the next line if there's not.  I originally set a
"width: 31%" on them which worked great until I put a file upload input
inside.  The text and headings still obey the width, but of course the
input does not.  The width of the div can be seen by the blue border
underneath the headers.


I tried the width at "min-width: 31%" (with a width hack for non-mac IE)
but it still didn't work quite right in FF and Opera.  Miraculously (or
maybe not so miraculously since it's probably a bug) IE displays it
exactly how I'm trying to get it to work.  What am I missing to get it
to display on different lines in smaller resolutions on the good





Most relevant CSS (down in the "wrapper-div" section):




Screen Shots from my local host:

FF (1024x780): http://www.geocities.com/gotcj/temp/image1.png

Opera (800x600): http://www.geocities.com/gotcj/temp/image2.png

IE6 (800x600): http://www.geocities.com/gotcj/temp/image3.png



As always (ugh) I'm on a local host, so disable JavaScript before
viewing my geocities links to avoid the ads.  The relevant CSS is in the
file named "layout5".  The two weird-named CSS files you get when using
FF's developer "edit CSS" are from geocities and don't affect the
problem that I can tell (jsoff.css and div.css).

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