Hallo Paul,
This was my response to your first question about the same topic; posted 
in Holland on Mon Dec 26 02:07:04 CST 2005 (time notation in my 
send-box: Mon, 26 Dec 2005 09:07:04 +0100).

I tried to forward it to you (only) on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 05:39:35 +0100.

It seems it did not reach you in the one or other way.
My suggestion was to start a whole new <ul>, illustrated with working 
test page for IE, FF and Opera.

Hope you can use my remarks & alternative. Or do you think it's not good 
enough for your purpose?


 >Tue Dec 20 20:26:15 CST 2005
 >Paul Walker wrote:
>I have unordered list that is absolutely positioned within another 
 >unordered list. The display is defined to block and the width is
 >set to 100%, but in IE the width is not quite reaching 100%.
 >It works fine in Firefox and I have not tested in other browsers.
>>The example file can be seen here.
>>I welcome any other general comments regarding my markup and css.  

I remarked some other things in http://www.paulwalker.tv/tabs.htm: in FF
there is a scrollbar left-right at the bottom (about 5px scrollable, but
nevertheless), in Opera the submenu-items stay vertical, and (in all
browsers) things go wrong when trying to enlarge the fontsize
(clientside). The last because of the fixed format of the bg-image.

So I tried to build it up from scratch, to see where the ship would go
down; with one of the Suckerfishes as a save harbour to start (omitting
the vertical sublisting when hovering - in the same time no
sf-javascript for hovering in IE needed).

With trial and error (not so good in the theory ;-), I found that it has
also to do with the doctype: in FF in some doctypes you cannot (anyway:
I couldn't) get rid of the margin between an omitted list-img and the
starting of the text (at list-style-type: none).
The problem is to get the whole thing liquid and getting the subitems
horizontal as well. In Firefox I had it working, but I didn't succeed in
IE and Opera.

Then I decided to separate the subitems within the <li>'s of the items.
I made separate <ul>'s for all the subitems. This way the subitems can
be made horizontally again in IE and Opera. Not for the css beauty
top-100, but as long as you have static pages (and don't need a show of
the subitems by hovering the items), it doesn't matter for the effect on

     * That can be a problem for no-style readers: the submenu-items show
       on the same level as the menu-items, without any correspondency.
       But with some extra  skip-/go to-links (with margin-left -9999px
       hided for normal seeing) I think this problem can be reduced.

Well, in the end I got a "working draft" (a bit "nightly build" too ;-),
without using position:absolute:


Perhaps this is something in the good direction, I hope you can use it
for further development.


ps: last times I could not reach the original anymore; happily I did not
empty my cache !
Cannot send to Paul Walker <paul at paulwalker.tv> at the moment: server 
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