Thanks for your comments, Rakesh.

It's my understanding that if you're developing a new site, you can  
declare the appropriate DOCTYPE and use fairly generic CCS that will  
be interpreted "correctly" by IE5.5 and IE6. Or am I wrong?
Dean Champeau
Champeau Services
86 E Fox Point Drive, Appleton WI 54911
Phone 920/731-5474
Cell 920/915-2151
Fax 267/377-1002

On Aug 11, 2006, at 9:32 AM, Rakesh Pai wrote:

> Hey Dean,
> I read your mail with a smile, as it reminded me of the time about two
> years ago when I shifted from table based design to CSS based design.
> IMHO, you've made the right choice to shift to CSS design. You've
> already started seeing the benefits, so I need not elaborate on that.
> About the box model problem. AFAIK, it is not just IE5, but also IE5.5
> and IE6 - quirks mode that suffer from the misinterpretation of the
> CSS box model (List: Correct me if I'm wrong). So, I'd recommend you
> leave the hacks in your code. Besides, using a good box model hack
> will not affect any of the browsers that interpret the CSS correctly,
> so there's no harm done. Also, since you are using divs for the
> superfluous markup, you are not altering the semantics of the document
> in any way, so you don't have a need to feel guilty about bad
> semantics either, even though "divitis" are a bad idea.
> I know it doesn't feel too good to write bad code to support a bad
> browser, but until things change we have to change ourselves to fit
> in.
> -- 
> Rakesh Pai
> Mumbai, India.

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