Wonderbaby Designs wrote:
> I need checks on Macs and in IE7 mainly, but I would love as many checks as
> possible. Our CMS software adds some tables and extra code that I am wading
> through, but I think it's only affecting styling, hopefully the main layout
> is stable. Screenshots would be helpful if you notice any problems.
> Oh, and if anyone can tell me how to stop the right column border from
> sticking out into the margin at the bottom in IE, I'd be grateful.
> Thanks again to all who helped me work out the kinks in the layout.
> Robin~
> www.wonderbabydesigns.com
> www.diaperfreebaby.org (site redesign
Hi Robin,

Had a quick look, the tables and layout seem to be consistent across the 
browsers i checked in, Opera, IE6/7, FF1.5 and 2.0. One thing I noticed 
is the quotes under the heading have backslashes to escape certain 
single quotes, i guess it's because they're written out by php. Is it 
possible you don't need them or could you use a html entity instead like 
‘ or ′?

As for the border extending down try placing the overflow: hidden; rule 
on #SOWrap and see if that helps. I notice that in IE6 also while the 
page doesn't scroll as far as in IE7 the border still extends to the 
bottom of the body, hopefully whatever fixes IE7 will fix this too. 
Watch out for other IE bugs this may cause though. Sorry I can't be more 
Hopefully Georg can answer that one properly =]

Rob O

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