> Christine Masters wrote:
> > Anyway, I've gotten it to work well in Firefox, but I'm having some 
> > trouble working with IE.
> > http://cmasters.townnews.com/entertainment/
> The line-up will be improved in IE6 when the 'margin-doubling on floats'
> bug is "killed".
> The addition of...
> #tnent_movies_container, #tnent_fun_container, #tnent_food_container {
> display: inline;
> }

>...should take care of what you have there now.

Hi everyone!

I have made these changes (adding display: inline; to all of my container
floats) and it still has a display problem in IE. For some reason, IE
calculates my columns to be wider and it ends up kicking my far right column

Unfortunately my content management system adds a comment before the doctype
declaration, and we're unable to change it. So, it seems I will always be
working with IE in quirks mode.

Is there any way to make my columns line up in IE quirks mode the same as
they are lining up in Firefox? What is IE quirks mode calculating
differently in the box model other than padding?

Thanks so much in advance!

Christine Masters

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