Robin Fisher wrote:
> Do you know why there is a couple of extra pixels under the header 
> image?  Firefox is respecting a max-height declaration of 150px but 
> IE seems to be adding 3 pixels.

Depending on font-size...

An image is 'inline' by default, and that is the space reserved for
text-descenders. So if you change font-size in IE/win, you'll also
change the size of that space.

The reason that space only show up in IE/win, is that a 'Transitional'
doctype triggers something called "almost standard" in most other
browsers - making them add some non-standard "trickery" to images.
IE/win doesn't have this 'almost standard' mode.

The safe solution is to add/restyle a bit so the choice of doctype
doesn't matter. Floating an image turns it into a block-element - no
descender-space, but a bit more styling is needed to contain those
floating images and align them correctly.

Placing the following at the bottom of your stylesheet will work...

@media screen {
#header {width: 100%; display: table;}
#header img {float: left; margin-right: 29px;}
#wrapper {clear: both;}

...and the added @media-wrapper around the header-styles is there to
prevent IE/Mac seeing these styles, as it doesn't understand enough of
it to react properly.

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