Ian Young wrote:
> Have to ask the question. Why ever would you want to?
> Ask yourself the question. If someone has images turned off, they won't be
> too impressed with a page full of 1px text instead and they will go
> elsewhere.

Out of the question really. This part of the site is for managers, it's 
not as if they're going to find a rival service or anything. As it 
happens, I know that everyone with access to this part of the site is 
fully-sighted and have connections in excess of 28Kbps - so I'm not at 
all worried about the dreaded images-off demographic.

> Leave as is woul dbe my advice. Maybe Opera knows better!!

Sorry, way too arrogant for that. I got into CSS almost specifically so 
I could enforce my own magnanimous notions about UI. Hehehe.

Darren West wrote:
 > Maybe you would be better of using an image tag with the alt attribute:
 > <img src="img/view-draft.gif" alt="View Draft" />
 > Or using an embedded span positioned off screen:
 > <a class="draftlink"><span class="access-text">View draft</span></a>
 > .access-text { position: absolute; left: -1000px )

I may well go with that second option Darren - it's tried and tested, I 
can't really complain. I'd pompously decided that I shouldn't have to 
use extra markup and banal hacks to get my system to work, but it's not 
as if Opera are going to re-think their policy if I sulk long enough!

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