
Here are the two page links:

http://www.gentlethreads.com.au/master.html (still in tables)

http://www.gentlethreads.com.au/test.html (tableless version)



I'm trying to take link 1 above and make it 
tableless (link 2).  My problems are:

1) The background image on the left and right 
sides of the tabled version do not fill the 
cell/div in FF but do in IE.  In the tableless 
version the background doesn't go all the way to 
the bottom in either browser version.

2) There is supposed to be a 3-sided 1px green 
border around the white box below the image 
button in the right cell/div and the white box 
should be aligned centered under the image.  In 
the tabled version/FF 
http://www.gentlethreads.com.au/master.html the 
border is there both are correct but IE6 the 
border doesn't show up.  In the tableless 
http://www.gentlethreads.com.au/test.html the 
border is there in both browsers but the alignment is off.

These are the last glitches to work out before 
one or the other can become a template for the 
rest of the site.  At this point I'm so sick of 
trying to figure this out that I don't think I 
care if I have to use tables as long as it 
works!  Please use small bullets if you want to 
shoot me for saying that. I need to have this done tonight!

Your help is greatly appreciated.

• ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷÷ •
Deb • Designer @ PBC Web Design • com

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