Bradley Wright wrote:
> On 24 Mar 2007, at 21:55, brian wrote:
>> .ImageReplace, .ImageReplace li { letter-spacing: -1000em !important;
>> background-repeat: no-repeat;}
> If you had the following mark up:
> <ul class="imageReplace">
>     <li><a href="">Home</a></li>
> </ul>
> Would now the UL be shifted 1000em left, closely followed by the LI  
> inside the UL?

The ULs & LIs are absolutely positioned.

> Traditionally the mark-up for IR tends to be something like:
 > ...
> To make the CSS validate you may need to remove the filter to an  
> external CSS file referenced via a conditional comment.

I should have been more clear in my query. I have PNG transparency 
working in IE--i've done this many times before. What i'm hung up on 
right now is trying to find one method which allows for the replaced 
elements to also be links.

As for which method i'm using, this is how i would generally handle it 
(though i've tried several others for this site):

-- normal css file --
#en_about, #en_about_on
   left: 10px;
   top: 40px;
   width: 43px;
   height: 22px;
   background-image: url('/images/nav/en/about.png');
#en_about_on, #en_about:hover
   background-image: url('/images/nav/en/about_on.png');

-- ie-only css file (using CC) --

#en_about, #en_about_on
   background: none;
   height: 22px;
   voice-family: "\"}\""; voice-family: inherit;
   height: 0px;
#en_about_on, #en_about:hover
   background: none;
   height: 22px;
   voice-family: "\"}\""; voice-family: inherit;
   height: 0px;

The problem lies in the fact that these are also links. The 
AlphaImageLoader filter is keeping the links from being clickable.

I'm sure there must be a CSS-only solution out there, but i'm also open 
to any ideas involving javascript (hey--it's still a CSS issue though). 
Last night i wrote up some javascript that would create a new image 
object based on the source of the background image, place it inside the 
link, then remove the BG image. My reasoning was that IE seems to be 
able to deal with having a link around a transparent image element[1], 
just not so much for background images. I think i'm close to something 
that works, but i'd really like to not have to do this.

Why is the world's worst browser also the worst to debug?

[1] If one also treats the page's PNGs properly upon page load:

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