Here's the site in question:
It's a nightmare and I'm slowly trying convert it to good XHTML/CSS. Today I
was attempting to change all the type from points to pixels via the
stylesheet. I put font-size: 13px in the body and then changed all the other
specs as %s to reference it. There's a normal class which was set to 10pt so
I changed it to 100% which should make it equal what's in the body tag. But,
ALL the text with a class of normal is MUCH larger and DOES NOT change
regardless of what I put in the stylesheet. No matter what I changed the
body tag or normal class it all stayed the same. And, since I made all the
other tags % they should reference the body which means that
increasing/decreasing the body {font-size...} should increase everything,
including the top & side menus. Not so...
So, there are a lot of problems including but not limited to: it's all
tables, no DOCTYPE, most of the styles are inline... Don't bother validating
it and telling me it doesn't validate. I know. I'm trying to convert it to
good code but it's slow in progress. And, other than no DOCTYPE I don't see
how any of the errors make the pages ignore px.
I have worked around it by defining everything as px which isn't making
anything easier. Why doesn't this site like to use px in the manner you
should? If it's just an issue of no DOCTYPE that should be an easy fix. I
tried adding it to the header.php page but it errored out on me. I'll have
to figure out why PHP doesn't like the DOCTYPE in front of <html>.
Thanks for any insight...
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