Ok, that was excellent advice. I went through my entire site, and
found quite a bit of cruft to clean up.

BUT, the problems remain:

1) maybe 10% down the page, I have a lone vertical - and I can't center
    the dang image in the div. I've tried "text-align: center" and
    "margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto". What am I missing?

2) I have images scattered in the text, which is working, but when I
    run out of text and still have images, I want to have them
    stack up next to each other, similar to what Eric Meyer did in his
    "on CSS" book. I am floating the divs that contain the images,
    nut they seem to want to appear on their own "line" no matter what.

3) Near the top of the page, I have that really wide image. I cheated
    with a position:absolute to get it to not push out the side, but it
    hides some text behind it, and is inconsistent in positioning between
    Firefox 2 (Mac) and IE 7... Is there any way I can push the text behind


David Laakso wrote:
> Andrew Wallace wrote:
>> Ok, so I think I'm starting to get a handle on this CSS stuff. Maybe.
>> I have the following page:
>> http://test.diamondwphotography.com/travel/DisplayTrip.php?n=200706_SWV
>> And I have a few specific issues I'm wrasslin' with. I have images 
>> wrapped
>> in divs, so that I can keep image and caption together, and have a border
>> around the set.
>> andy
> The easiest way to resolve any html/css problem is to make sure the 
> document is valid [1]. There are something like 49 markup errors on your 
> page. A well constructed page can sometimes fail to render properly with 
> one markup error. Granted your page may not, or probably will not, work 
> as intended even if valid, this may be the best place to start...
> [1] <http://validator.w3.org/>
> Best,
> ~dL

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's
too dark to read.

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