brian wrote:
> Ingo Chao wrote:
>> brian wrote:
>>> Ingo Chao wrote:
>>>> Yes, but you cannot stretch any image that is more complex. 
>>>> Stretching a marguerite my look like a rose, though.
>>> Who said anything about "more complex" images? Did you miss the part 
>>> about giving a div a semi-opaque background-color? For the record, 
>>> yes--if one wants an actual *image* as the background, one would be 
>>> SOL. Faking a translucent *color* by using an image is perfectly 
>>> feasible (even for poor, old IE).
>>> brian
>> I said something about more complex images. You said something about 
>> leaving this and that to the reader. Is the reader allowed to think? So, 
>> your point is absolutely clear to me, but David was right to say "IE6, 
>> will not apply alpha transparency to repeated background images". If you 
>> have anything to discuss with me about this point, or about me talking 
>> about more complex images, you are free to write me an email.
> Bzzt--thanks for playing.
> Yes, Richard was correct in saying that IE cannot apply alpha 
> transparency to a repeated image. However, i pointed out that the 
> solution is to *not* repeat the image but to *scale* it. Tiling complex 
> images was not a part of this discussion until you brought it up.
> And, for the record, my "exercise to the reader" comment referred to the 
> fact that IE's alphaImageLoader filter has serious side effects, such as 
> causing links to become unclickable. But i was still referring to 
> *scaling* a translucent image, which is the entire point of this thread. 
> If you want to discuss repeated translucent images that's another thing 
> entirely.
> brian

Your impoliteness seems to be a play for you. It is not to me. Yes, all 
of this will be "recorded", brian, but your "exercise" is already 
answered in the very old link I gave. And what is the point of giving 
exercises instead of answers in a mailing list? Again, brian, if you 
want to do me a favour, just don't tell me what I can bring up in a 
discussion or not, and just don't tell me what part I am missing or not. 
You was wrong to say "This is not correct" to David. You may stretch 
very simple images in IE in very simple situations, and there is nothing 
particularly new with this attempt, but that's all. The general problem 
in IE was already stated by David, you cannot tile a filter, and there 
is nothing wrong in it what he said.



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