Ingo Chao wrote:
> Your impoliteness seems to be a play for you. It is not to me. Yes, all 
> of this will be "recorded", brian, but your "exercise" is already 
> answered in the very old link I gave.  And what is the point of giving
> exercises instead of answers in a mailing list? Again, brian, if you 
> want to do me a favour, just don't tell me what I can bring up in a 
> discussion or not, and just don't tell me what part I am missing or not. 
> You was wrong to say "This is not correct" to David. 

Take a deep breath. Get a grip. Chill out. It's saturday. I've so far 
ignored your confrontational attitude ("you are free to write me an 
email"--WTF?) but this is ridiculous. And, no, i don't register with 
mailing lists to dick around.

Yes, i did say, "That is not true." I admit that i should have responded 
to Richard with something like, "True, but the solution is to not tile 
the images." What i meant is that it is not true that alphaImageLoader 
will not work in this situation. I apologise, Ingo, if this somehow hurt 
your feelings.

 > You may stretch very simple images in IE in very simple situations,
 > and there is nothing particularly new with this attempt, but that's
 > all. The general problem  in IE was already stated by David, you
 > cannot tile a filter, and there is nothing wrong in it what he said.

Once again: THE SOLUTION IS TO NOT TILE THE BG IMAGE. The answer is to 
use "sizingMethod='scale'" instead. I am not disputing the fact that one 
cannot tile with alphaImageLoader. What i am pointing out, though, is 
that ONE DOES NOT HAVE TO TILE THE IMAGE in this situation.

Please, if it is still not clear to you, do carry on this thread. But if 
you want to discuss tiling complex images, start a new thread. This one 
isn't about that.

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