You're CSS works correctly even in IE 7. What I would recommend you 
is to temporary use the JS version on all browsers (i.e. commenting out 
the "li:hover" in the CSS and the conditional comments in the HTML).

    Your problems seem to be mainly two:
a) You have an extra margin on your IE 6 version
b) IE 6 ignores the mouse-over once you move out of the link (as if the 
LI didn't count at all). I've had this problem before, but I can't 
recall how did I sort it out, I'll let you know if I recall how.

WEZ! wrote:
> Heya,
> This last bug is killing me. I've been bashing away at it over the 
> weekend to no avail.
> The Main menu drop down functionality is flawed in IE6(win) and 
> possibly other IE's as well. The visual appearance is solved via 
> giving the ancestors blocks a position and z-index as I explained in 
> a previous post. However the functionality of the drop down menu's 
> stops functioning when the cursor is above the content block whilst 
> still remaining in the menu. This still appears to be a Z-index issue 
> despite the menu visually functioning correctly. The menu items only 
> appear to create style changes upon the text only and not the entire 
> block.
>  From the Microsoft website: Input from controlling devides does not 
> penetrate overlapping elements even if the elements are no visible. 
> Which is the issue here. There are no elements overlapping the menu 
> but something in IE rendering stream is or thinks it is.
> The website can be found here:
> I've added all the work I've done on this problem below any any help 
> is GREATLY appreciated.
> Regards
> Wesley Lamont
> There is two elements to this problem both related. The first is the 
> main menu sitting ontop of the top bar. The bar is absolutely 
> positioned z-indexed at -600. The menu ancestry is relative 
> positioned at z-index 500 code-ordered after the bar in both html and 
> css code. The li of the main menu only function on the text of the 
> 'a' element within the block not on the entire 'li' as standards 
> suggest.
> This I have proven by removing the bar and functionality is fine for 
> top level of the menu. Here are the tests I've tried so far:
> - Drop the bar below the menu in html code and apply top:0
> - set bar at absolute -9999 z-index
> - set barmid (central section of bar) @ absolute -9999, top:0
> - Move bar to top again, change absolute to relative, add top to menu 
> section to overlap once again
> - Make menu absolute
> - make menu absolute and position above bar again.
> - removed positioning on bar completely
> Even with the menu and bar with absolute positioning both or relative 
> position and extreme opposite z-indexes I still can't achieve 
> functionality correctly.
> The second problem is the failure of the dropdown to sustain sfhover 
> class change when the cursor moves above the content area. Movement 
> above this area drop the menu completely rendering all lower menu 
> items unreachable. Despite visually appearing above everything the 
> functionality still claims the menu to be behind something. attempts 
> so far (well ones I can remember)
> - dropped parent z-index in case both were inheriting the same value.
> - Added "menu * {pos:relative, z-index: 500]"
> - added borders to see if any of the menu blocks was rendering 
> visually under the content
> After even more tests while writing this:
> It seems the text of the drop down menus still appears functional 
> above everything similar to the main menu. elsewhere on the block 
> fails to keep the sfhover class change. Interestingly the entire 
> block still triggers the sub menus to appear even if it then fails 
> above the content block.
> The border test in 28 also show how the borders appear to function 
> above the content block as well.
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