>     You're CSS works correctly even in IE 7.

Yeah I was told this by another colleague though i have no way to run 
through the functionality myself as I have no IE7 in my mac-based 

>  What I would recommend you
>is to temporary use the JS version on all browsers (i.e. commenting out
>the "li:hover" in the CSS and the conditional comments in the HTML).

Very good call. I've done that earlier but not more recently. Pretty 
convinced its an IE problem only but this is a good way to get that 

>     Your problems seem to be mainly two:
>a) You have an extra margin on your IE 6 version

do tell? that I haven't noticed here. Check against any standards 
browsers as this may also be something with IE 7 comparison that may 
not be as intended.

>b) IE 6 ignores the mouse-over once you move out of the link (as if the
>LI didn't count at all). I've had this problem before, but I can't
>recall how did I sort it out, I'll let you know if I recall how.

Indeed and its doing my head in.

Thanks for the help

Wesley Lamont

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