Whoa impressive work Alan.

>Hi Wesley
>You are pandering to IE and especially IE6. This type of menu is 
>best done first to work correct in Firefox or Opera, then a check in 
>IE7, then lastly IE6. I have copied your code and made a few changes.

I'm a CSS programmer. I start with compliant browsers and work back 
towards IE. IE 6 is the present one on the list to repair for. All 
standards browsers have been rendering the menu correctly so far.

>Does the menu now function in IE6? I can not check if it does. If it 
>does, then it should function in most browsers.

Fails badly in IE6
menues are broken all over the place. they run horiztonally not 
vertically, they move when attempting to move onto the sub menu.

>  At this point I want you to disregard the differences between the 
>browsers since they are due to me altering the code and CSS. When I 
>do so it exposes, the conflicting rules. When I had the menu 
>functioning in Firefox, I then noticed that the main menu was 
>vertical in IE7. This was caused by the img drop shadows. The fix 
>was to removes the floats (yes at one point I made this change for 
>the images) with this rule.
>.drop { height:0.5em;  float:left;margin-bottom:-1000px;margin-right:-1000px;}
>Please note that every z-index has been removed from the CSS. This 
>indeed would explain some of IE6 behavior.

The numerous Z-indexes were excessive at this incarnation but are 
designed to find the problem in the IE6 menu.

>  I have removed many of the position:relative;

This would be causing the layout mayhem at the moment.

>  The navigation element which you had is now effectively a container 
>for everything below the header. I have now absolutely positioned 
>the menu with it's own containers to be above the background (below 
>the header) and since the menu now appears last in the source, it is 
>layered higher then the content menu. I would not recommend using 
>ems as widths or in the margins. Hope it helps.

Em are essential to making the website scale with font alterations. 
The entire website is solidly based on EM sizes 'everything' can 
handle being scaled up to large sizes and down to handheld sizes. I 
can calculate all the em's accurately as px sizes so far so good on 
that functionality.

>BTW, Please note that I have sent Opera crazy, the dropshadows I 
>see. This I will attempt to fix with this menu demo.

The menu system presently implemented is a version of Suckerfish and 
is now solid in almost all browsers that are CSS capable.

Your menu scales find. You get a drop in the smallest scale in 
Safari. Your background doesn't scale when enlarged so you may want 
to make the background image tileable for that reason.

Fails completely in IE5 (man). admittedly so does son of suckerfish 
at the moment with my two menus. Dual functionality seems to not 
allow IE5 mac to function. I assume you aren't trying to support this 
which is fine.

no drop down functionality in IE6 either. Mouseover effects are 
working however.
Layout is different as well. The background block seems to be in a 
different position (lower) than in CSS compliant browsers.

Float drop in Mopzilla in Menu 5 in normal font size. Same with 
Seamonkey (though same root browser)

Other than that works nicely. I like the background image you used 
though may need some overall contrast adjustment to make sure the 
text is always readable.

>Kind Regards, Alan

In your article about your menu some of the blocks about the menu 
system break too wide for your layout.

Wesley Lamont
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