Jay Rabe wrote:
> Hi all,
>     Anyway, I'm rebuilding a site that I inherited, and right now I'm stuck 
> on the menu bar. I want a full-width bar with buttons that change background 
> color on hover, with drop-downs on some of the buttons, and I'd rather do it 
> with pure CSS (which I know almost nothing about but am learning fast) rather 
> than java (which I know Absolutely nothing about).
>     Thanks,
>             J


If you strove to find a problem that is difficult to resolve, then CSS 
drop down menus are it. They seem to be the bane of every Web designer-- 
they can't seem to make 'em work, and they can't seem to live without 
'em. Such is life: both on an off the Web (if you know what I mean). 
While I have no "real world" experience with  drop-downs, I have 
recently experimented with  this [1] little number, and find it works 
unusually well compared with others I've tried. Name of the game (for 
me) seems to be to adhere /very/ closely to the author's model -- 
variation is possible-- but strict adherence first time around will help 
cut the learning curve.

[1] <http://www.tjkdesign.com/articles/new_drop_down/default.asp>




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