On 31-Oct-07, at 3:04 AM, David Laakso wrote:

> Rahul Gonsalves wrote:
>> http://rahulgonsalves.com/WDD/
> Stress test it and the problems may become more apparent:  font- 
> scaling
> at +3 in a compliant browser; and, text-size "largest" in the IE's,  
> for
> example (the solutions are often elusive but well worth the effort to
> correct them).

This has been one of my problems. I am partial to large header  
images, which often entail using a fixed-width layout, which, as you  
say, begins to show problems when the font-size is increased. What  
would you suggest? Sizing containers in em's? I'm not sure where to  

> View the page with images disabled. View the page in a
> text-browser (Lynx).

Opera's emulation of a text browser seems to give me a page that  
looks navigable.

> How does it read if CSS is disabled? Should the
> horizontal navigation remain were it is (in the source) or should  
> it be
> at the top on the screen, but last in the document source order.

Hmmm. This is not something that I am convinced about - while there  
is a logic to having content come up first, I don't know whether this  
justifies breaking a convention that most /new/ assistive technology- 
users are used to? I would be happy to hear more on this.

> Is there enough readability contrast?

According to the colour contrast application that I use [1], the body  
text has enough contrast to meet both AA and AAA guidelines. Some of  
the text that exists on the page does not pass AAA guidelines, which  
is something that I can live with, as I will be providing a high- 
contrast stylesheet as well.

> More questions than answers from this end. But the really great thing
> about all this stuff is that the solutions are almost always CSS  
> based.

All welcome - if I'm not pushed, I tend to stagnate.

> Best,
> ~uncle david
> PS Keep up the good work. You are looking pretty good so far...

Thank you :-). I am afraid that I have grown a little too fond of  
serif fonts.

  - Rahul.
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