On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:35:49 -0600 (CST), Jeff Gates wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, David Hucklesby wrote:
>> On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:33:08 -0600 (CST), Jeff Gates wrote:
>>> Page in question: http://inourpath.com/intro.html
>>> I am still having problem with the bottom menu line breaking to a second 
>>> line in IE
>>> 6 and IE7. The "MAP" is breaking to a second line. The menu is in the nav 
>>> div which
>>> is centered within the bottom_menu div (the bottom_menu div is exactly the 
>>> width of
>>> the content area (530px). To center the nav div I set the width and made 
>>> the left
>>> and right margins auto.
>> Try changing the width on #nav to a suitable "em" value. In general, font 
>> sizes do
>> not correspond to any particular number of pixels-- only in particular 
>> cases, such as
>> in IE on an OS set to 96 DPI is that so.
> David, I tried changing the width of the #nav to ems. Unfortunately, it 
> continues to
> break the menu line into two lines. Here's what I think is the problem:

But the model you are using[1] is not centered. I also note that Stu's
design also breaks at more than one level of increase in Firefox.

Getting horizontal menus right is quite difficult. Centering is an
extra complication. Drop-downs add even more complexity.

The best I can offer you in the way of a centered menu is the one
at the bottom of the page[2] that I made to demo suggested navigation
styles for a friend's site. You will notice it has plenty of "breathing
room" to expand, yet still breaks at 3 x increase in Firefox..

(Links on the page are dead now.)

[1] <http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/simple_dropline.html>
[2] <http://webwiz.robinshosting.com/temp/prep/>


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