I have a tiling fixed background to the body of my site. A content
container sits on top of this background. At the bottom of the page I want
to put a fixed image that sits below the container and as the container is
scrolled this image reveals itself.

To get a sense of what I'm talking about take a look at
http://life.outtacontext.com. As you scroll the content up, you see the
flowers at the bottom, underneath the content area. To see what I want to
do on a similarly designed site, take a look at
http://inourpath.com/intro.html. At the bottom of the page is an image of
a car. I did this mockup quickly to see how it would look, just putting a
div at the bottom of the page. But it scrolls with up with the content. I 
want it to be anchored to the bottom of the page and revealed as you 
scroll up.

The difference with the former site I mentioned is that it was easy to
anchor the flowers at the bottom. A simple body background image fixed to
the bottom (I used a background color for the rest of the background). 
However, in my new site I already use a background image. I know that CSS3 
might make this easier to accomplish. But until then, can any of you think 
of a way to do this?


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