Hi all.

I just came across another discrepancy with IE6 and IE7.

I'm using some gradients as borders/separators and some even have a border 
color set.

To get the effect that I want, it's important that they overlap in the right 
order, so I'm using z-index to set the priority.

The stylesheet is fairly conventional with a site container, navbar, header and 
main contents.

I've put the home page up for inspection at:


and the CSS is at:


What should be seen is the header with a top horizontal gradient border with 
appropriate white and gray border colors set, along with two vertical gradient 
borders, also with appropriate white and gray border colors set. Under this 
there should be a header bottom gradient border with appropriate white and gray 
border colors set, and lastly there should be an empty main container, which is 
described in the <div> #homecontent {}. All of the gradient borders should be 
fully visible apart from where they overlap each other. This is the case in 
Firefox, Opera and Safari.

In IE6 and IE7 the #homecontent box is being drawn over the lower gradient 
border, even though its z-index is set to 0 and all of the gradient borders are 
set above 0. I've given #homecontent a red border (which would not normally be 
there) to demonstrate the top edge of the lower <div>. If there was no 
background color set and no border on #homecontent, the effect would not be 
seen. The only way to make IE6/7 behave is to set z-index to -1 (or [I think] 
any negative number) or to set the header container ( #homehead ) z-index to 1 
(probably the right solution).

I wonder if this has been documented anywhere?

Admin: ConnArtistes, UKShopsmiths, 2nd Touch & A-P groups
Shopsmith 520 + bits
Flatulus Antiquitus

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