On 06/05/2008, at 5:45 PM, Usamah al-Amin wrote:
> body {
>      background: #dedede url(header.jpg) no-repeat top center;
> }
> It could very possibly to miss downloading the header image, but could
> it possible to miss applying the background color (#dedede) for some
> odd reason?

Check to make sure any css declarations that appear before the one in  
question are properly terminated. A missing semicolon ( ; ) or  
missing curly brace ( } ) could easily prevent the rest of the sheet  
from being parsed.

Or if the hex for the RBG color values is missing a character (typo)  
it could mess the color up completely. Similarly look out for case  
mis-matching with file names on servers with the image name, and make  
sure you're 100% sure of the path to the css file.

If the body declaration is at the top of the style sheet and  
everything is syntactically correct  I'd be suspicious that the style  
sheet itself is not loading - which usually comes back to path or  
filename mismatch issues.

Again this is only speculation without a live URL to check ...

Good luck,
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